Aquarium as a room divider?


New member
I am thinking of setting up a large (~240 or so) reef tank as a room divider. My plan (still in the thinking stage) is to minimize the noise by putting all the sump, skimmer, pumps, etc. in a room outside the house. One end of the aquarium would be against an exteriior wall, and I would add on a fish room adjoining the house. There is a useless patio that I can enclose for this purpose. Ideally the display tank would just have plumbing running outside, and nothing to make noise under the tank at all. That way, the only noise I would have inside would be the overflows, and fans for the MH, which shouldn't be too bad. I would have the tank made with Starfire on three sides.

My questions for the experts here:

Can a tank work with just an overflow on the end? I don't see why not, but I hve never seen one.

Is there anything obvious I am missing with this plan?

Thanks in advance.
I have a 265 tank that I have been working on for the last few months. We took and drilled one end with the over flows in it. I also added a closed loop as well. I am running a 150 gallon for the sump/fuge and its so far dead quiet.

I have an iwaki 77 on the cosed loop, a mag12(dont laugh its temporary) on the sump and a mag 12 of the ETSS skimmer. I also have 4 Koralia 3s int eh tank just to see how everything is flowing(also temp until all the rock is in). I drilled 2-1 1/4" over flows and plumbed everything with 1 1/2" pipe. I also put valves on the dursons to adjust the flow and air noise. I also use a pre filter bag on the drains that is cleaned every week.

I know this system works and has excellant turn over and water flow because when I put the 60lbs and then another 100lbs of sand in. It only took about 3-4 hours to go from cloudy to crystal clear.

I have yet to put all the live rock in but so far so good. I am not sure what impact it would have using longer plumbing and going into another room.

I just know what I have done so far works.....thanks to all the knowledge here on this site.

We did as you were talking about and made it a room divider also.

Everything is coming very slow but its been a fun project so far.Looks kinda ruff as it hasnt been trimmed out yet but its a work in progress.

I think if you do the research and your plan is well thought out, you wont have any issues what so ever.

goodluck and keep us posted on your progress.

not trying to spam or hijack your thread but here is a link to my build so you can see what I have done so far for your own ideas. Saltwater Chronicles/
I'm also sending my return water into one end of my aquarium and out the other end. A photo:


Of course, mine isn't done yet, so I can't tell you if it works or not.... :)
Thanks for all the pics and ideas. Much appreciated.

After looking at Calvin's approach, it seems clear that I will need some kind of end panel. Otherwise, I would not be able to hide the return pipe. I would like to have all the sump, skimmer, fuge, pumps, etc., outside. The only plumbing inside would be the supply and drain, which would go to the fishroom. This would come close to eliminating the possibility of a flood.

It also seems clear that a bottom-mounted closed loop is going to be a must, since there would be no clean way to route cords for internal pumps.

Thanks again for the pics and suggestions. If anyone else has them, please post.
let us now how it goes and what you decide on. I didnt close in my overflow because I wanted to be able to monitor it when needed. It will have a piece removable piece of trim that covers it.

I dont mind offering adice(pay it forward syndrome) as I have had alot of help myself. Just be methodical in your planning