If you have MH lighting you may need a chiller and/or keep your AC low 24/7 in the summer if it gets any higher. If you turn your AC up during the day, you may have a hard time getting the fans to drop 4 degrees.
I just ordered a reefkeeper to avoid the heater failure (auto turn off) issues and to automatically turn my fan on if it gets too high. I have T5's so mine never really gets too bad, however, it did get to 80 the other day. I went back to chaeto and I think I can reduce the wattage of the bulb to get mine back down. The basic reefkeeper runs around $120, but you would lose a lot more than that if you heater sticks or the heat gets too high. I also bought a fan designed for aquariums that will hide/fit on the back of my tank off ebay.
If you max out at 82 and you find the fans will get you back down, you may want to consider a reefkeeper so that you don't have to keep turning the fans off and on manually (especially if you are not there when they need to be turned on).