Arc Eye Hawkfish


New member
This may be a stupid question, but could I keep an arc eye hawkfish with a full grown midas blenny? My fiance' indicated he liked hawkfish in the past and this is the first one that I ever saw that looked cool to me.
I have an arc-eyed hawk and he is what my daughter refers to as the "mean-fish". I added a clownfish and a blue damsel after him and all day long he constantly perches and lunges at them both trying to mess them up. He leaves the other fish alone though so if you add him very last it should be ok. I am pretty sure I read that if you add them last they are ok with other tankmates. He is also not very fast so the other fish have no problem getting away.
Ive had one for over two years and its fine with all my fish, even my midas blenny who lives right next door. The only problem Ive had is with a goby he doesnt like much. He was one of the first members added too.

Hey should be able to eat a coral banded shrimp BUT it also depends on his size and how much the banded shrimp lingers around him.
Their mouth size is incredible. When mine "yawns" his mouth size triples, and if you look close you can see his nice set of very sharp teeth.
Oh, I'm so sitting on the fence about this one now. He would be one of the last fish added. I'm thinking of putting him with 2 wrasses, a full grown midas blenny, and a smaller yellow tang. He isn't bigger then anyone at this time. Probably only about 2 inches. I was acutally scared that my wrasses would mess with him. I may get a powder blue tang in the future and that would be it in this tank. There's lots of live rock, so I'm thinking that may help. Thanks for all the feedback, I think I'll stop by the LFS to see if they still have him.