Are 6-line Wrasses really that mean?


Snail Killer
Premium Member
The 6-Line wrasse is a beautiful fish and I've wanted one for a while but have been put off by their terrorising reputation. But now I have a big tank (340g) I have alot more options. I also will be having alot of fish of all sizes which I think will help with aggression as one fish hopefully won't be singled out. Alot of the smaller fish will be paired too (clowns, cardinals, royal grammas, gobies) which should also help and the bigger fish (tangs, angels, hawks) will be able to look after themselves. The 6-Line my LFS got in is a baby too which also may help.

So 6-Line owners, please let me know your thoughts.
I've ordered one at my LFS. I'm hoping he wont pick on my orchid dottybacks or my saffron gobys (the smallest fish in my tank).

I think its the usual thing,it depends on the individual fish.
Mine was never really that mean. He got along with most other fishes. Sometimes, he got too close to my royal gramma's 'territory' and the two got into sort of a staring contest. The gramma would open its mouth wide to scare off the 6line, but it never worked. The sixline would just stare him down.

IME, they don't really attack or pick on anything, they just like to mess with their heads a little. =) I have kept one in a 20g with no problems, and another in a 60g, also with no problems.
I have a couple friends that keep them and they keep the orchids freaked out. In fact in these two tanks the Six line harrases anything smaller than him.
Six lines are one of the better choices for a wrasse
I had a lunar and it ate everything, live shrimp, corals, you name it.
Every 6-line I have had were mean little bas#@$ds! They picked on all newcomers regardless of size. I would make it the last addition to your tank to help reduce its agression.
In a large system a six-line doe better interacting with tank mates. However I had one in a 90 gallon and it was a menace to a newly added clownfish, so much so that it harassed the newcomer until the fish jumped out of the tank. Upon further inspection of the dead clown, I noticed alot of small bruise marks from where the wrasse had been hitting it. I would buy another one, but would add it last.

I dig wrasses but when I had a 6-line, it killed any I put in. The only wrasse that held it's own was a 4-line which eventually killed the 6-line and I was stuck with the same problem. I corrected it by removing the 4-line.
i had a six-line for a while, but i had to trade him in. he chased and bit the two basslets that i kept him with.
Mine isn't mean. My Flame Angel puts him in his place if he is mean to the Goby. Its funny though cause the Angel follows the Wrasse around the entire tank, bothering him.
I would add the sixline last. I just put 1 in and he /she is to busy looking around the tank.He is also the smallest one in the tank {75}.
midas,pair clowns,lmb,jawfish x3
so far so good
They can be mean. My last six-line didn't bother my percula or my bangaii, but he killed a purple firefish by terrorizing him whenever he came out of his hole. The firefish eventually starved to death I think, because I eventually just never saw him again.

I ended up making a trap out of a bottle, got the six-line out and traded it in.