Are 6205 and 6305's supposed to be loud?


Reef bully
I've put 2 6205's in one system and 6305's in another. I didn't expect them to be so loud, it sounds like a motor and as a comparison, it's a louder than the Vortech's at the highest setting. Is this correct? If so, any way to dampen them?
They shouldn't be loud, there are several reasons they could be loud and the first step is to determine if it is the holder vibrating and making the noise or if the pump itself is making the noise. Run the pump holding it in your hand instead of in the holder and see if the noise is reduced. If so make sure the rubber feet are in place on the magnet holder, if the glass is 1/2" or less the strong magnets may compress the feet to the point they make more noise. If it is the pump making the noise, it could be air in the pumps or that the front cover is not secure or that the drive unit is not well balanced.
Thank you Roger. It is much better when I hold it in my hand. I think it's the holder that is vibrating combined with magnet. When I pinch the holder toward the pump, the sound is dampened. When I try to combine that with holding the magnet tight, it's only slightly better.

The glass is the standard on Marineland deep dimension tanks, so I think it is under 1/2" glass.

What can I do to safely and effectively stop the vibration?

Thank you for the help.
I would do the following, a would place a rubber pad under the inside magnet, a scrubber pad from a magnet cleaner will also work, you an get rubber gasket material in bulk sheets at most autoparts stores, you probably also have an old freebie mouse pad that could be used as well, they are usually neoprene. Take the pump out of the clamp and squeeze it in, it is flexible and should bend in just enough to give a tighter grip. The magnet holder can stick through 1 1/8" thick glass so it is very strong and transmits a lot of vibration on thinner glass. In March we should have a redesigned clamp with a rubber cushion insert.
Hello Roger,
Have you redesigned the clamp with rubber cushion? Mine are still loud, much louder than my overflow and almost as loud as my return pump.

I was able to dampen slightly, but still very loud.
Thanks for the help.
By the way, I just wanted to state that I have left them off since your last post (after trying to dampen them) and will wait to try them again if you are selling replacement clamps.

Or perhaps I should try a thicker rubber mat? I haven't done that yet.
The new clamps are not ready yet, they should be available at the end of March or early April.