Are clams safe with emerald crabs?


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I have seen other threads where clams are bothered or eaten by hairy crabs. Are clams safe with emerald crabs?
over 30

over 30

i have over 30 emeralds and they have never touched a clam. They also don't seem to like the buble algae they are supposed to eat, but thats an entire story by itself
mine dont touch the buble algae either, they do a great job at any hair algae that trys to grow. there is a constant battle between them and my baby sailfin that is in the tank with them for new growths of algae.

I have 3 emeralds in my 75. They don't bother my clams. FWIW, they do eat some bubble algae, just not fast enough to keep it under control.
I have 20 in my 75. They wont go near the clam. Not even to eat the algae growing on its shell. I wish they werent so afraid of it.
Do the emeralds bother any other corals? I have both hair and bubble algae and need something to keep them in check.
They are my favorite herbavores. They may have eaten a few of my zoo's. Or they just died, I didnt see them eat it i just saw my 6 polips slowly dissapear. I have seen them rip food out of the mouth of a sick BTA.