Are Flame Hawkfish jumpers?


New member
Over the past week, I have been hearing splashes of water coming from my tank and just now realized it is my Flame Hawkfish. She seems to be spending more time at the surface of the water than I remember. I am concerned because it is open cover tank with small lip (maybe 1/2" at most) around the edges and I would say 1 1/2" clearance from the water surface to tanktop edge. No one chases her around at all. Water parameters are good. She is fed frozen shrimp 2x/day.

But, I would say I now have had her probably 8 months and no longer a juvenile. Is she going to be a jumper?
While at my LFS the other day, I noticed they were acclimating their new flame hawks and I would hear constant splashes. So I approached the buckets and saw that they do try to jump. I'd put a lid just to be safe.
All fish jump, some fish fly
All fish jump when being startled or chased.
Otherwise they just swim.
Yes, I lost both of my previous flame hawks to jumping, and I use a full glass canopy. They both found openings around pipes. And in both cases I have reason to believe they jumped because they were startled.

The second one I lost after 19 years. They do not seem to jump with a goal of escaping - I had a flasher wrasse that seemed to have a death wish. I was afraid to open the lid even to feed because he had jumped out more than once while I was feeding. Hitting the hardwood floor and going back in the tank with dog hair stuck to him could not be healthy.

In spite of this, Flame hawks are probably my favorite fish. Number 3 just finished quarantine and moved to the DT earlier this week.