Are there any macro algaes or plants that can live in saltwater that are considered


Mantis Whisperer
Weeds? I know there are tons of freshwater ones and I'd love to get something similar started in my saltwater tanks.
Your question is unclear. Are you asking if there are salt water plants that grow prolifically? Like weeds?
Yes, there are several! Most of the Caulerpas, Ulva and Grasilaria come to mind. There are also more that are considered undesirable, like Dictoya, though some of them are nice. Generally the greens grow faster than the reds. You might enjoy this site:

I had a nice fresh water planted tank myself. Now I've combined what I learned from both fresh and salt, in a marine planted tank, with seagrass and macro algae. It sounds like you are interested in going that direction as well. You might get some good info from my thread, Weeds, here in the Macro Section.

I hope this helps!
Thanks! Yeah I looked through your thread but didn’t go through each page! I hate that most caulerpa is illegal here :(
It’d be nice to find some caulerpa for a reasonable price or even someone that has too much and is giving it away
Lots of that on eBay. I've considered that myself. I'd think it would move beautifully in the current. My experience with eBay is that they usually sell tiny frags of macros, which arrive in rough shape, and die before they recover. The last one I ordered had ice in the bag! That one is available in larger amounts though, so it could work. The smaller the frag the shorter the fuse, so to speak. A larger plant can have some die off and still recover.
How did you find it on eBay? I tried searching for enteromorpha but nothing came up so I’m looking through macro algae and not seeing it. Lots of chaeto and caulerpa though... �� wish I could just order caulerpa damnit!

I’m thinking of getting an order on kpaquatics with three of the toadstool algae
Thanks, just got a softball size clump for $25! Do you know what caulerpa species are legal here?
Thanks, just got a softball size clump for $25! Do you know what caulerpa species are legal here?

C. Brachypus
C. Prolifera
C. Paspaloides
C. Serrulata

Off the top of my head. All are great varities with good growth and unique roles aesthetically speaking. C. Brachypus can be a pest depending on how uptight you are, but can also add a really cool natural feel the others don't. The others are quite easy to contain.

I'm working on my growout tanks now but don't have any to sell quite yet.
Hasn’t even shipped yet :/

But my caulerpa has and it’ll be interesting to see if it gets past the government! Both were ebay
Well I got the caulerpa prolifera in the mail today... smaller than I was expecting :/ was it worth $16?


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