Are these Dino cells


Active member
This is the algae that's plaguing my tank. Can someone identify this is dinos? Any idea on strain?



Adding a UV sterilizer and raising nutrients solved it for me. I also added a Christmas tree worm rock from unique corals at that time that was packed full of biodiversity. I think this increase is biodiversity and the increased nutrients helped keep the dinos from coming back. Took a month or so for them to disappear completely but I could see the populations declining right after adding the UV (the Christmas tree worm rock came maybe a week or two later).

From what I found, you are most likely to have success w/ UV if you have Ostreopsis spp. Still need to increase nutrients so algae can out-compete though. I am a believer that these outbreaks are a symptom of the dry rock/sterile tank start routine that is popular now. Simply much easier for them to wreak havoc in a biologically stunted tank.