Are these eggs in my new acro?


New member
I got a new acro frag and see some white little dots. Are they eggs or something? Or is it from it being stressed? I attached a picture.


  • 2018-03-02 11.52.53.jpg
    2018-03-02 11.52.53.jpg
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Looks like red bugs or some other type of pest. It is really hard to tell from that photo.
Thanks guys for the replies. Sorry the picture is hard to tell. I looked at it closer and it does look like maybe some sort of bites maybe. They're really tiny.
Looks like mesenterial filaments from stress. Could be a pest but I don't see Any at first glance. Doesn't mean they aren't there. Research the most common acro pests and check all your corals.
I did dip my corals and didnt see any kind of pest. So maybe it is just due to stress. I got these acros as brown-out acros from lfs.
Mesenterial filaments. But they are not coming from the polyps but the tissue itself. That shows it is highly stressed.
Good to know. It makes sense because my LFS got a ton of brown out acros and a lot were extremely stressed and were STNing. I tried to get the healthiest ones but noticed this one as I was acclimating it. It looks like it's getting better though.

Thanks guys!