Are these low or highlight zoa's?


New member
I'm looking to get a few of these, does anyone have these and what lighting do they prefer to maintain color? And what kind of flow?

Anyone know there name? Anyone on this forum with these?
You dont have the kind of light you have on your tank listed. I start my zoos low in the tank and move them up. It is always nice to know what lights thay are under now.
i have some of the first ones with my name on them at the lfs, picking up today, so ill let you know how they like the light.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7230520#post7230520 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Steven M
You dont have the kind of light you have on your tank listed. I start my zoos low in the tank and move them up. It is always nice to know what lights thay are under now.
I don't think I listed any tank specs, I don't know how you know what I have, but I'm running a 175w 10k metal halide right now, and I have a few of the right ones, and they are losing color, the centers are turning green, outside rim is keeping its color. And these are placed almost right under the halide. I'm starting to think that these are actually low light zoo's.
The zoos I have under my 250w 10k, the center is gray-white when i move them to lower in the tank the center turn back to green. They multiply faster in the higher light. I ment if you can find out what the zoos are being kept under where you are getting them from.
The higher I put the zoo's up, the more they close up. I notice that the ones onto the side where it gets less lights stays open while, ones in direct light are halfway open.
Zoos will almost always change color when you acclimate, due to different conditions and lights. I got some that were totally purple center with lime green skirt. Now, in the nano with extra lighting, the purple narrowed down to the center with a large red ring around it. Total 360!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7232142#post7232142 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SuperSizeMe
I don't think I listed any tank specs, I don't know how you know what I have, but I'm running a 175w 10k metal halide right now, and I have a few of the right ones, and they are losing color, the centers are turning green, outside rim is keeping its color. And these are placed almost right under the halide. I'm starting to think that these are actually low light zoo's.

those are the zoas they just started selling at atlantis aquarium on the net. i think its pretty safe to say those pics are taken under some blue spectrum lighting. it should say on there website somewhere what lights they are using. seriously doubt they will look that "good" under 10k lighting. but, it depends on alot of factors such as brand of the bulb, DE or SE, what type of ballast etc.
these are under 14ks with one old actinic vho
i paid 35 at a lfs, and i believe them to be the same ones sold at atlantis for $10 per polyp.
Yes, I understand that under different lighting they will look different. But when I got these they had a very dark center, and now the center is exactly the same color as the skirt. From purple to light green is a big change. There is only 1 or 2 heads left that have stayed the same color (well a little lighter then before), I can't understand why this is.