Arrests Made for Chemical Fishing

Steven Pro

New member
From the August 2006 issue of Pet Product News,

"Four adults and a youth have been arrested for using chlorine bleach to catch fish in Hawaiian waters, state Department of Land and Natural Resources reported. A boat and fishing gear were seized as evidence. The suspects are all from Hawaii.

Peter Young, DLNR chairman, told a newspaper that the seriousness of using any chlorine bleach-like substance to take marine life becomes apparent when considering the damaging effects that are associated with chemical fishing.

'Every fish, lobster, clam, crab, eel, worm and cowry shell exposed to the chemicals is killed, not just the target species being fished for, but all other living organisms in the vicinity as well,' Young said.

The use of any poisonous chlorine-like substances - including bleaches, bleaching crystals or bleaching powders - in the water where aquatic life can be affected is a felony punishable by a year in jail and fines up to $10,000."
I would hope they got both (a year in jail and a $10,000 fine), I highly doubt it though :(.
Good post Steve!!!
Never heard of "chlorine fishing so I did a search,

Sometime after that he found a new source of income-fishing for reef fish that were a popular delicacy with Japanese people living in, and visiting Hawaii. He said he could have sold "any amount". The technique he used involved diving down onto the reef with a squeeze bottle filled with chlorine bleach, and when he saw a small school of the desired fish shooing them into some cavity in the coral and squirting a bit of chlorine bleach in after them. He'd wait a few minutes, then pick up the dazed and dying fish as they appeared at the entrance. He realized he was probably killing the reef because he had seen cavities in which he could remember having caught fish, but he had found that were now dead coral skeletons with no fish in them. He told me he had to keep moving around Hawaii in order to encounter healthy populations of fish "because they need undisturbed coral to live in." When I met him he had been doing this kind of fishing full time for several years and had just about completed a full circle of the big island. As incredible as it may seem this one man along with a handful of his fellow Clorox fishermen who sold fish to the same market, had apparently, unabetted, wiped out large sections of the entire reef around the big island of Hawaii (about 300 miles of reef). He has since left Hawaii. He found a job that paid better in Florida. "No problems."



BTW, they can seize the boat and all the equipment in it too.
this is the type of activity that really needs to stop, this is why we should be buying aquacultured organisms
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7855140#post7855140 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by e850
this is the type of activity that really needs to stop, this is why we should be buying aquacultured organisms

popular delicacy with Japanese people living in, and visiting Hawaii

How will that effect people who want to EAT the fish??

Nevermind, I guess you are gone
The penalty is actually way worse than stated. Permanent ban from any type of fishing liscence in Hawaii, or employment by any business that holds one there. Seizure of all assets related to the crime, this would include a lfs if they had one. I'm pretty sure you even need special permission to own or liscence a boat over 32'.
people like this need to be shot, survivors need to be shot again.

I think these people should have to contribute 1/4-1/2 of their future income to enviromental groups that promote conservation of reef environment just to make up for their recklessness
It is a shame there are people that are brainless as these individuals out there! That don't care for natures reef system except for greed!
'Every fish, lobster, clam, crab, eel, worm and cowry shell exposed to the chemicals is killed, not just the target species being fished for, but all other living organisms in the vicinity as well,' Young said.

The caustic chemical trade in tropicals upon which our beloved trade is based has shown the way for 40 years now.
When it comes to our countries shores...people are finally against it?

Kudos to Steve and Mr. Dewey (r.i.p.) for bringing this to light 25 odd years ago. Just finished reading the 30th anniversary FAMA, talk about a walk down memory lane! They are mentioned in the 30 year retrospective in the Jan. edition.
Doug, I still need those ;) Can yah jab Mike for me, and include this one as well (until I go grab one for myself)>
training before it became a business

training before it became a business

Now it may never happen again as the issue is too larded with funding and turf politics.