Arrow Crab


New member
So I was at the fish store picking up a tiger conch, and I noticed a large and small arrow crab in the same tank. Knowing that they like to munch on inverts I was suprised to see a large one with conches. I was thinking it would be cool to have a smalla arrow crab in my tank, and get and give it back to the fish store once he gets to large. Inverts wise my tank has cleaner shrimp and a tiger conch. (no snails) It does have small fish, but I don't think a small arrow crab could it them. It's a 36 gal tank. What do you guys think?
Seems the same story, some people have a pain in the boot with their invert, some people don't. I wonder what size and sex Mcgyver's crab was. And what sex was outsiders's?
The reason I ask is because emerald crab females are a lot less aggressive than males. I wonder if that principle is the same.