Artica 1/4 Chiller - Is LESS flow COLD water?


New member
The manual for the JBJ Artica 1/4 Chiller says the FLOW RATE for the chiller is 480gph. I'm looking to put abour 250gph through it using an Eheim 1262 that acts as my return pump and to feed my chiller.

The JBJ manual is vague and there is no range given for flow rates that would be adequate so I don't know whether I'm ok going low on the flow rate. I've read various threads where less flow = cold water, but no one mentions how low can you go on the flow. Any experience or ideas?

I've gotten some great advice from a few people but I wanted to hear if anybody had hands-on experience with this.
250 might be cutting it, id try and get it as close to the recommended flow as you can.

you dont want the chiller actually freezing the evap., as it can decrease the life of the compresser inside.
I'm going to try contacting JBJ this afternoon and see what they tell me.
If anyone else has experience with this, please let me know.
The slower the flow of water the colder temp on the output side. the best thing to do is if you can put a thermometer on the output of the chiller and throttle back the flow of water and see what works best for you. Too little flow can freeze the coil as bawla said. but most of the time if you listen to the compressor you can hear the difference in sound it makes. there usually is a recommended range of flow. check with the manufacturer.
I spoke to the fellas at JBJ and they told me that 480gph was the MINIMUM!!!!
They said the chiller definitely needs a minimum of 480gph and a max of about 1320gph.
He said I could play within this range, but that going below 480 would damage the coils. I also spoke to him about downgrading on the chiller but for the conditions I'm dealing with I'm going to need the 1/4.

It looks like I'm going to have to go with a larger pump. I was originally thinking of an Eheim 1262, but its only going to give me 900gph and my plan is to use this pump for both the return and the chiller. I need about 700 for my return so I'm looking for a pump that will give me 1200gph.
Any suggestions?
I'm willing to pay for a GOOD QUALIY pump. I don't want to have to worry about it..
You can use a dedicated pump for the return and one for the chiller. just be sure you use a ball valve to throttle back the water presure on the output side that way the hoses are always full and not trickling out. and yes too little flow will freeze the coil and if it does that enough times besides the ice thawing out on the floor the compressor will die eventually and void the warranty