I too am looking for the serial strings to use with a home integration system. Most devices that I use with a RS232 port have a communication manual that includes the HEX or ASCII commands and how to decipher the values and/or commands. So far I have been unable to locate any such manual. The control system I am integrating with is a Crestron Control Processor and it will allow me to view tank status and control the the Profilux II from the TV remote and other various Touch Panels throughout the house or on the World Wide Web. Any information on how to poll status, decipher the ASCII/HEX feedback, and the carriage return would be greatly appreciated.
If nobody has this info I will try and sniff the serial port and decipher this data myself. However, it would be much more convent to have this manual. Any data I find will be posted on this thread seeing as how I'm not the only one looking for this information.
Thanks all for your help.