check the fuse , if its blown there could be a few things that caused it, a lock up / grounded fan motor or compressor , or a dead short/ground , overheating compressor will blow the fuse , over amping from a dirty condencer coil can do the same, your ato will not cause your fuse to blow. before you change the fuse make sure the condencer fan spins freely , and check for and shorts /discolored or burnt wiring, and check for any grounds. to check compressor for grounds remove electrical cover from compressor, remove all wires from compressor terminals and from each of the terminals with a multi meter set on continuity or ohms to any of the copper tubing on the compressor , a reading of OL or 0.00 is what you want , do the same with the fan motor , be sure to make a diagram of what wire went where,if no grounds are found , replace the fuse and start the unit , check for the fan operation, and compressor comming on , with a amp meter you can check the total drawn amps of the compressor off all 3 wires that connect to the compressor terminals add together and divide by 3 it should not be higher than the listed rla # on the compressor tag the fan should only pull about .3 amps , if the compressor is hummin for a few seconds and then stops you may have a bad capasitor or locked up compressor replace the capasitor and start relay the start relay is on the compressor terminals a plastic piece with a coil in it , if that does not get the compressor to run it is locked up and you mite as well get a new chiller it will cost less than replacing the compressor, if the fan hums and will not turn or has a hard time turning it will be bad and need to be replaced