ASM Gate Valve Mod ?


Active member
I'm looking at doing the gate valve mod on my G-2.

My question is, what's the "T" for?

Why do I need it? What does it do?

Couldn't I just use an elbow off the stand pipe and then a valve with no "T"?

The reason I'm asking is the G-2 is tight in my Tidepool.
I went to Lowes I purchased the stuff to make my own kit. I think I payed about $13 for 10ft of 1.25 in pipe & all the fittings.

I really am not sure why the T is used. Most people use one however sometimes people put a cap on their T but either way it really does not change the size of the plumbing
You really need the "T" . If you want to quiet it down and reduce salt creep, you can cover the top of the "T" with a cap with a hole drilled in it.

The essential thing is that you have to have a way to prevent a siphon as Highlander said.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6945909#post6945909 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Highlander
The T is used to avoid a siphon pull from the outlet.


That makes sense. Especially if the end of the output is underwater. It would create a siphon.

Thanks, I knew there was a reason for it, but I just couldn't see it!
If space is a problem, just drill a hole in the elbow, and if necessary, stick a piece of air hose or RO/DI tubing in it to keep it from squirting water.