ASM+ GenX + Maxijet 1200 = !


New member
A while ago, my main Gen-X GX4100 submersible return pump quit because the impeller magnet casing burst and I replaced the whole pump (with a Mag 5 or 7, don't remember, but thats beside the point).

I kept it though. Recently, the Sedra feeder pump for my ASM G2 also quit, but the impeller was fine. So I used the impeller from the Sedra in the GX4100 and used a pvc elbow to connect it to the protein skimmer. Works great (but I have to 'jump start' the venturi by blowing into the air hose (anyone know how to fix that?)

Anyway, I was wondering how I could make it better. I considered a re-circulating pump mod. Just to see what kind of results I could expect, I dropped a Maxi-jet (modified for venturi) into the skimmer through the collection cup neck. Well, the results are incredible. Has anyone else tried this? I used to have to choose between very little, dry skimmate or very watery, tea colored skimmate.

Now I am getting a dense, black liquid! The bubbles inside the skimmer look like Meringue pie filling. Yon can't even tell they are individual bubbles.

I think I will leave it this way, as the maxijet powerheads are just about the most dependable thing I have run across for the aquarium. I just need to figure out a way to route the power cord and airline into the skimmer and still be able to lock on the collection cup lid.

Just wanted to share. If any one is interested, I could post some pictures. Also, if anyone has a solution to, or knows why I have to 'blowstart', the venturi on the feeder pump, I would be grateful.
If you're not using the gate-valve mod, just run the power cord and air-inlet hose through the return piping.

I'd really like to see pictures of your setup when you're finished.
hm. i like that idea. will try when I have some time (maybe this fall). i'll let ya know how it turns out...