assistance needed


Active member
order number is 100459565

i was out of area and had some one else attempt to place the order by emailing them the orderform

it gave them errors because " names 3 or more letters mus have vowls"

because of this i had to wait to get home to place the order with my account.

this has cause my shippent to be DELAYED.

it would be nice to see you bump it up to 3 day shipping for free.
this is a 1000 buck order and it would be good PR to do so..

I apologize for the delay in your order. We can certainly do that for you, but before we ship it out tomorrow, you're actually eligible for a free Marine Depot T shirt. Let us know what shirt/size you need (there's a couple) and we'll get it sent out with the order.

You can either reach out to me tomorrow or Walter our Customer Service Supervisor.

im a guy medium

ill wear it with pride

one of the reasons i shop with you and one other online company is because when you make a mistake you take care of your customers

thanks for the fast response