

New member
I started out with one or two and now there is like 8 covering my glass... I dont have any sps (is this all they eat?). Should I remove them?
There are hundreds of species of asterenia, only a couple of which eat corals. The fact that they're multiplying suggests they are finding food, which could be as simple as algae or even bacterial film on the glass.

Up to you if you want to remove them. I have a handful in my tank, mainly notice them in the sump, and they've never harmed anything.
I've never seen an asterina eat any corals, even though a lot of people say they do. In fact, I don't really see them around much, but every now and then I'll see one on the glass of one of my two tanks (there is one or two in my 2.5g pico). I think that if they eat any corals, they'd eat zoanthids or something
ya i systematically find them and remove them in my tank, they were the reason for the demise of my zoo colonies last year, since bringing their numbers down myself, all my zoos are thriving once again... id be safe than sorry
the only time I see them around is on my glass. Ive never seen them around my zoa's otherwise it would be death by toilet for sure. Thanks, Ill watch them closely. I have to say, I havent had to really clean the glass in the last few days, but I also cut down my light time to 8 hours to battle bryopsis, a battle which im winning for the moment.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12079839#post12079839 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by str8clownr
ya i systematically find them and remove them in my tank, they were the reason for the demise of my zoo colonies last year, since bringing their numbers down myself, all my zoos are thriving once again... id be safe than sorry

Same here, a got rid of them with a helequin shrimp.
i tried a pair of harlequin shrimp and my serpent star took care of them first, needless to say my tank has neither starfish or harlequin anymore
ive found one walking across my zoos not sure if it was eating them but it was definitly on them... ive read that some eat zoos so rather safe than sorry i always pluck them and toss in the fuge
I disagree with the opinion that only a few species eat corals, I think that this stars are pest and I try to remove them as soon as I spot one, I still have been able to get rid of them but at least I don't let them get to pest proportions.
In the past I have found asterina stars in areas were I can see tissue receded on SPS's, this is almost always the case in my tank.
Ive been picking these outta my tank for like 2 months. Came in on some rock from here in Boca. I say they ate my Zoas at one point. Man there are alot in a 20 gallon. Everyday like 4 pulled out for like 2 months.