ATO recomendations?


New member
Was using a regular kitchen garbage basket (new) with a Tom's aqualifter pump attached to my float switch. Worked great until I started I started adding Kalk to the ATO. All of a sudden the suction has been reduced and I see it can't pull the water up past the tank. I just noticed there's a Tom's aqualifter dosing pump, Any better? Is there other mechanisms out there that work much better?
I think you risk clogging any pump with kalk.
Run some vinegar thru the aqua lifter to unclog it.
I cant disagree Tunze makes an amazing product. However:

I have a 18 gallon rubbermaid tote sitting behind my tank. Its hooked up to an dual float switch with a aqualifter feeding it, and have little issues. I say "little" issues cause aqualifters DO REQUIRE a certain element of maintenance. I try to clean it out with straight vinegar a few time a year. I have 2-3 of them, and change there diaphragms when necessary ( BRS sells diaphragms for $3 ). This regimen keeps me running with ZERO issues.

Tunze's product is close to $200, what i just described is ~ $40.