ATO setting


New member
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. I got this code from apex website
Fallback OFF
If Sw1 OPEN Then ON
If Sw2 OPEN Then OFF
Defer 002:00 Then ON
Min Time 010:00 Then OFF

I want it to run min 10 min so it does not cycle on a off to many times. Am I programming wrong ?
Do you just want the ATO pump to run ten minutes at a time at a specific time of the day? Or are you wanting it to be activated by a float switch or some other water level detector?

If you just need it to run ten minutes a day, then I suggest using one of the preset lighting schedules and just setting the on/off times ten minutes apart.

If you are using a float valve or other detector, I can't help you there cuz I've never done that. Sorry.

I know some ppl do the latter, but set up the return pump on the APEX with a code so that it doesn't run more than x amount of minutes to prevent overfill. Not sure how to do that though.
Well I'm trying to get it to run using float switches. I would like to work with Sw1 as my main switch turning it on. Then it should differ it for a min of 2 minutes this way it has a positive on. And it's not getting clicked on and off. When it does turn on then I would like to run a min of 10 minutes. This way pump does not cycle so many times a day. Now for Sw2 is just for emergency like turn it off before it overflows.