Attaching a Mushroom on a Piece of Rock


New member
I have a small piece of very porous lava rock which has been in my tank for a while and been used in my aquariums for about a year, so it is not polluted. I have a green mushroom, not sure what kind but when it is under light it is a fluorescent green, and when it is fully expanded, it is about 2in in diameter. What would be the best way for me to attach this thing onto the rock?

Get some bridal vail(sp) from walmart and put the shroom and rock inside. Try to get the shroom where the base is touching the rock and just wait.
I agree with Sooner Handyman or you can use the plastic mesh you might get produce in.
After it attaches give it a couple of weeks to really anchor itself.
If you take the mesh off too soon it will probably release itself in the current.
Since it's lava rock, you could probably just shove the base of the mushroom in a small hole on the rock, then place the rock in a low flow area and let it attach.
Maybe I waste time doing it, but i put them in a small plastic cup of coral "pebbles" in it and put them in a low flow spot. They rarely blow out of the cup and a couple of weeks later they are attached to a pebble. Then I can just superglue them absolutely anywhere, or trade them easily. They always move off the pebble eventually to the base rock.
If I had a dedicated frag tank with some space maybe I would do it differently.