Attaching mushrooms


New member
I just got a few loose mushrooms. Do I super glue them or do they attach themselves or ??? Thanks.
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i put them in a little container with some mesh screen rubber banded to the top so they cant escape with the current. put some rock rubble in there and they will attach to it by themselves.
if the flow wont disturb them and they can stay put, 1-2 weeks should do it.

super glue is not a good idea because it burns them and sometimes they will slime so much that they get detached and you will end up loosing them.
Good to know about the super glue. And, thanks for the tip to minimize the flow. I'll look at that and see what I can do. Thanks again.
Sorry to butt in, but this Friday I'm getting some mushrooms from Reeftopia which come loose. I plan to use the above procedure with the glass jar. I have 2 questions

First what do you guys use for the mesh screen? Second, do you spot feed them during this time?

i dont disturb them at all. you can use bridal veil or cut an old aquarium fish net your not using anymore. plastic door screen can work too but its hard to get a rubber band over it since its more firm.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15598736#post15598736 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NaptownReefer
Any soft mesh type netting works well.

Probably another stupid question, but does Home Depot have something like that? I've searched my whole house and found nothing I can use...
I couldn't find anything either, so I used my fish net to cover the container. The handle is kind of in the way, but I adjusted things so it could fit. Hey, use what works :-)
I use a new, never-been-soaped shower "poof" that I cut the restraining ring on. It gave me ~30 feet of soft plastic mesh tubing.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15622611#post15622611 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Myrddraal
I use a new, never-been-soaped shower "poof" that I cut the restraining ring on. It gave me ~30 feet of soft plastic mesh tubing.

Actually I was able to get a yard of "Tulle" from Walmart for .97. It's pretty much what they use for bridal veils.

After all that(I even bought some wide-mouth mason jars) they cam attached, so I super glued them to the spot I wanted them in and they seem happy.

Thanks for all the help...
Mesh paint strainers work great for these lids and as media bags, too. I buy 2 packs for a buck or two at HD or Lowes paint section and they are generally made much stronger than some common media bags.