Auburn: Looking for red flatworms and a few other things for teaching


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Hi all,

I am a Ph.D. student in Marine Biology at Auburn and I'm teaching the lab for Invertebrate Zoology this semester. I'm looking for red flatworms (Convolutriloba) for the class. Does anyone in town have these? I'm also looking for frags of octocorals in the area. I'm happy to pay but I'm a broke graduate student so I'm not looking for anything fancy.

Also, this is last minute, but in the first week we talk about non-animal eukaryotes. I would love to get some Caulerpa, red algae, and any other multicellular algae anyone would be willing to give me pieces of.

I'm not in Auburn, but I have cousins that travel back and forth on the weekends if I'm not mistaken. I'm pretty sure I have what you are looking for (the flatworms) and enough to go around unfortunately . Let me know if you can't find them and we will work something out.
Hey Kevin,

I can definitely help with the 'planaria'. They are Aeolid's, right? I know I remember reading in a coral magazine that they were more like Aeolids than actually flatworms, but can't find the article.

I can also help out with some different types of algae for you to look through for the little organisms;).

If you're lucky, you may be able to find some acro eating flatworms, too.