Auction Donation Thread

Well.... I posted the whole thing- what was donated, from what site, what they sell that you could use it for... Took me quite a while. The title is still here, but the text is gone- so that leads me to believe it was deleted by a mod???

:( Anyone wish to enlighten us?
We will get our own site with time. I'm hoping the auction will go well and with all Laurie's hard work we will generate the funds to pay for server space. Reef Central will always be a place the club need to help find new members.

I am very happy to let folks know that Bill at Aquatic Concepts in Westbrook has donated a Gift Certificate valued at $125. I was floored when I opened it since all I was hoping for much less. It will be auctioned to the highest bidder. I know a couple of folks said they wanted to go visit.

Some of the things in the store that caught my eye were some very nice flahser wrasses, a couple of small copperbands and 2 spongified decorator crabs.
Sweeeet, Matt! That's another great donation!

Yeah, they are all online vendors that donated- I bet that was the issue. I would have liked the chance to edit it as there was ALOT of info there that could have been saved from that post. Also, there is a conflict of interest here on this forum if we cannot let people know about club donations for auctions in order to get folks to come out to the auction...

Truthfully, I am not happy about it but c'est la vie. We will maintain a presence here to direct new members to our club, but likely most posting/conduction of club business will happen at the new site where we can post without worrying about it disappearing overnight.

This week has been interesting in particular to me as we have had members banned and posts deleted without even a courtesy PM. I am also a little miffed because my PMs to mods have never been returned on this site to date regarding the SWAM forum. I think I am intelligent enough to handle problems in a courteous adult manner with a moderator... I would have enjoyed the chance to prove it with this thread issue. <smile>

I think Denise is handing off the account to Rose very soon, and the domain name was like $100. I look forward to its christening... :D

Laurie Smith
President, SWAM
A.S., B.S.N., M.S.B., R.N.
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What was the reason they did not let you post your list. Is there a way we can get it up with less detail. For example, name of vendor and what they donated without the price information?
I think the links are the problem. Hopefully they will allow us to sticky a link to our new forum when the time comes.

As for the website, the $100 is for a year of web hosting plus the domain name. So this $100 is something we will have to budget for every year.

I think the annual $100 would be a good use of membership fees. It will be interesting to see how much cash we can raise at the auction.
We are hoping to raise enough money to fly in a speaker to talk to the club. This year we are aiming to have three speakers, so this isn't the only auction we'll hold this year!

A bit off topic but..

I think the annual $100 would be a good use of membership fees. It will be interesting to see how much cash we can raise at the auction.

Another way to raise funds for the site is to get a sponsorship fee from those who want to palce an add or banner on our website? MAybe let the site pay for itself....
