BAR - Sponsorships

We're excited to announce BAR's biggest event of the year, the annual Regional Frag Swap.
This frag swap is open to everyone, in fact we will be encouraging people from throughout California to come swap frags.
- Room Number: In the Cafeteria
- Chabot College in Hayward, CA
- Schedule
- 10:30am Shopping Starts / Vendors Ready
- 11:00am - 12:45pm Register for the Frag Swap (Get your picking Letter)
- 1:00pm Start Frag Swap
- Bring at least 3 different coral frags in their own clear plastic containers with lids.
- Must be labeled with your username AND coral name AND lights used. You cannot swap if it doesnt have this information.
- We will be checking for unlabeled, mislabeled, sick, or dead coral.
- Cost
- 15$ Pre-registration
- Get 5 Extra Raffle Tickets. YES WE SELLING RAFFLE TICKETS
- Send money to the club's paypal at Paypal@bareefers.org
- Get 5 Extra Raffle Tickets. YES WE SELLING RAFFLE TICKETS
- 15$ At the Door for any BAR and any other local Reef Club Member (bring proof of membership)
- 20$ At the Door for everyone else.
- FREE for Spectators/BOD/Approved Volunteers
- 15$ Pre-registration
- The following corals cannot be used in frag swapping.
- The following Vendors will be there selling premium corals and drygoods.
- A variety of Pizza, Soda, and Water will be available for purchase at this event.
Bonus Rounds
- The bonus rounds are optional and consist of the first two picking rounds of the swap.
- Once you're done with the bonus rounds, you continue the regular swap.
- If you want to do the bonus rounds, you need to bring at least 3 bonus corals or 1 ultra coral from the bonus round list to receive 1 Bonus Round Ticket.
- You can receive as many Bonus Round Tickets as you want. (Example: Bringing 9 bonus round frags gives you 3 bonus round tickets)
- The Bonus Coral List can be found here at this link.
- Bonus Corals strains can be repeated only ONCE.
- Example: 1) Oompa Loompa Zoa, 2) Oompa Loompa Zoa, 3) Gold Hammer = OKAY
- Ultra Corals strains can be repeated only ONCE.
- 3 Bonus Corals = 1 Bonus Round Ticket or 1 Ultra Coral = 1 Bonus Round Ticket
- Bonus Round Exclusive Raffle
- Anyone participating in the bonus round will be entered into an exclusive raffle to win the following coral.
- Grafted Reeftek Starburst Montipora
- READ THIS THREAD on bonus rounds before asking questions about it here.
- Everyone who pre-registers for the frag swap will receive 5 free raffle tickets.
- We're gonna have some bomb raffle prizes so buy raffle tickets to win them and support your club!
- If you're in a reef club and you traveled more than 50 miles to come to this frag swap, you're eligible for an exclusive raffle.
- Bring your proof of membership.
- This Rainbow Trachyphyllia Coral!
Grand Raffle Prizes

20 Gallon Innovative Marine Abyss Dropoff Tank (Thanks to BAR and California Reef Co.)
(Valued at 350$)

Ecotech Radion XR15w Pro LED Light (Thanks to BAR and California Reef Co).
(Valued at 400$)

Neptune Systems DDR Dosing Containers (Thanks to BAR and California Reef Co.)
(Valued at 190$)
Other Raffle Prizes
AI Hydra LED Light (Thanks to BAR)
B-Ionic 1 Gallon Jugs of Calcium / Alkalinity (Thanks to BAR)
Rainbow Trachyphyllia Coral (Thanks to EnderTurtle)
Complete Reef Nutrition Bottle Set (Thank You Reef Nutrition)
TDO Chromaboost Fish Food (Thank You Reed Mariculture)
$25 Giftcard to Neptune Aquatics
$25 Giftcard to Neptune Aquatics
$25 Giftcard to Neptune Aquatics
$25 Giftcard to Neptune Aquatics
$25 Giftcard to Neptune Aquatics
$25 Giftcard to Neptune Aquatics
Pukani Shelf Rock (Thank You EnderTurtle)
Coral Frag Pack (Thanks Legendary Corals)
Coral Frag Pack (Thanks Your Reef)
Premium Corals from Aquatic Collection
Updated 7/29/2016
AI Hydra LED Light (Thanks to BAR)
B-Ionic 1 Gallon Jugs of Calcium / Alkalinity (Thanks to BAR)
Rainbow Trachyphyllia Coral (Thanks to EnderTurtle)
Complete Reef Nutrition Bottle Set (Thank You Reef Nutrition)
TDO Chromaboost Fish Food (Thank You Reed Mariculture)
$25 Giftcard to Neptune Aquatics
$25 Giftcard to Neptune Aquatics
$25 Giftcard to Neptune Aquatics
$25 Giftcard to Neptune Aquatics
$25 Giftcard to Neptune Aquatics
$25 Giftcard to Neptune Aquatics
Pukani Shelf Rock (Thank You EnderTurtle)
Coral Frag Pack (Thanks Legendary Corals)
Coral Frag Pack (Thanks Your Reef)
Premium Corals from Aquatic Collection
Updated 7/29/2016
If you want to donate something to this event, send me a private message.
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