Coastal Georgia Reef Club Fall Frag Swap- November 6th 2022


Coastal Georgia Reef Club is proud to announce its inaugural Fall Frag Fest, scheduled for this coming November 6th, from 1200 noon-500 pm in Jesup Georgia.

$5.00 general admission with kids free! Raffle tickets will be available on site.

Event will feature vendor displays, individual reefer frag sale and swap opportunities, and used equipment swap table opportunities.

We will be holding a bunch of raffles including the raffle of a new Ecotech MP40QD powerhead!


Cracker Williams Community Center

245 E Bay St.

Jesup, GA 31545

Vendor booth/sponsor inquires welcome!

For more information, contact David Gaskins (Event Coordinator) at



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Coastal Georgia Reef Club presents- CGRC FRAG FEST 2022.png

Less than 2 weeks to the CGRC Inaugural Fall Frag Fest!

Cracker Williams Recreation Center
245 E Bay St, Jesup, GA 31545

$5.00 General Admission/kids free.
VIP pack details coming 10/28
Limited vendor booth space still available.
Thanks to these sponsors:
Low Country Coral Boys
Bulk Reef Supply
Coral Ridge LLC
Saltwater Aquarium dot com
Avast Marine Works
Bioreef LLC
Reef Hobbyist Magazine
Ecotech Marine
Palladium Corals
Instant Ocean
Cobalt International
Two Little Fishes

for more information:
Here are what we have so far for this coming Sundays Coastal Georgia Reef Club's Fall Frag Fest! 1 dollar raffles tickets will be available at event and raffle drawings will start at 4:00 pm. Please stay tuned for any add-on's as we receive confirmations!
1. WAFFLE #1- BRS 4 Stage RO/DI kit "bulkreefsupply @bulkreefsupply
2. WAFFLE #2- 25 dollar Avast Marine Gift Card @avastmarine
3. WAFFLE #3- Bioreef LLC 60 dollar Gift Card BioReef, LLC
4. WAFFLE #4- Two Little Fishes Gift Pack- Two Little Fishies
5. WAFFLE #5- Tropic Marin Pro Reef Salt 200 Gallon Tropic Marin
6. WAFFLE #6- Premium Aquatics 25 dollar Gift Card @premiumaquatics
7. WAFFLE #7- Seachem Gift Pack- @Seachem Laboratories, Inc
8. WAFFLE #8- TRSC Aquatics 100 dollar Gift Card- @@trscaquatics
9. WAFFLE #9 Saltwater Aquariums dot com Gift Pack-
10. WAFFLE #10- Ecotech MP40QD- @ecotechmarine
11. WAFFLE #11 Triple DI Saver Kit With Resin- @c@coralridgemarine
12. WAFFLE #12 CaribSea LifeRock- Nano Tree @caribseainc
13. WAFFLE #13- Tropic Marin Pro Reef Salt 200 Gallon @palladiumcorals
14. WAFFLE # 14- 25 dollar Avast Marine Gift Card Avast Marine
15. WAFFLE #15- Spikes Corals 100 dollar Gift Card-
16. WAFFLE #16- Premium Aquatics 25 dollar Gift Card @premiumaquatics
17. WAFFLE #17- Instant Ocean 160 gallon Reef Salt @coastalgeorgiareefclub
18. WAFFLE #18- Aquarium Specialty 100 dollar Gift Card @@aquarium.specialties
19. WAFFLE #19- BRS 200 watt titanium heater system-wifi @bulkreefsupply
20. WAFFLE #20- CaribSea LifeRock- N20lb. shapes pack @caribseainc
21. WAFFLE #21- Low Country Coral Boys 100 dollar Gift Card Lowcountry Coral Boys
22. WAFFLE #22- Ecotech MP40QD- #CoastalGeorgiaReefClub
WAFFLE WOFFLE announcement- For first (20) twenty reefers with paid attendance this Sunday who also buy a minimum of twenty five dollars in WAFFLE tickets, they will receive a brand new InkBird ITC-306A Aquarium Temperature Controller! (A $59 value!!!) Limit one.


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1. WAFFLE #1- BRS 4 Stage RO/DI kit "bulkreefsupply @bulkreefsupply
2. WAFFLE #2- 25 dollar Avast Marine Gift Card @avastmarine
3. WAFFLE #3- Bioreef LLC 60 dollar Gift Card BioReef, LLC
4. WAFFLE #4- Two Little Fishes Gift Pack- Two Little Fishies
5. WAFFLE #5- Tropic Marin Pro Reef Salt 200 Gallon Tropic Marin
6. WAFFLE #6- Premium Aquatics 25 dollar Gift Card @premiumaquatics
7. WAFFLE #7- Cobalt Aquatics Media Pack- @cobaltaquatics
8. WAFFLE #8- TRSC Aquatics 100 dollar Gift Card- @@trscaquatics
9. WAFFLE #9 Saltwater Aquariums dot com Gift Pack-
10. WAFFLE #10- Ecotech MP40QD- @ecotechmarine
11. WAFFLE #11 Triple DI Saver Kit With Resin- @c@coralridgemarine
12. WAFFLE #12 CaribSea LifeRock- Nano Tree @caribseainc
13. WAFFLE #13- Cobalt Aquatics Media Pack- @cobaltaquatics
14. WAFFLE #14- Tropic Marin Pro Reef Salt 200 Gallon @palladiumcorals
15. WAFFLE # 15- 25 dollar Avast Marine Gift Card Avast Marine
16. WAFFLE #16- Spikes Corals 100 dollar Gift Card-
17. WAFFLE #17- Premium Aquatics 25 dollar Gift Card @premiumaquatics
18. WAFFLE #18- Instant Ocean 160 gallon Reef Salt @coastalgeorgiareefclub
19. WAFFLE #19- Aquarium Specialty 100 dollar Gift Card @@aquarium.specialties
20. WAFFLE #20- Cobalt Aquatics Media Pack- @cobaltaquatics
21. WAFFLE #21- BRS 200 watt titanium heater system-wifi @bulkreefsupply
22. WAFFLE #22- CaribSea LifeRock- N20lb. shapes pack @caribseainc
23. WAFFLE #23- Low Country Coral Boys 100 dollar Gift Card Lowcountry Coral Boys
24. WAFFLE #24- Ecotech MP40QD- #CoastalGeorgiaReefClub
25. WAFFLE #25- Cobalt Aquatics Media Pack- @cobaltaquatics.
26. WAFFLE #26- Hanna Low Phosphate Checker @hannainstruments
27. WAFFLE #27- Amino Feast and Coral Feast Pack- @coralridgellc
28. WAFFLE #28- Hanna High Range Nitrate Test Kit- @hannainstuments
29. WAFFLE #29- Cobalt Aquatics Media Pack- @cobaltaquatics
30. WAFFLE #30- ATI Essentials Pro- @palladiumcorals
WAFFLE WOFFLE announcement- For first (20) twenty reefers with paid attendance this Sunday who also buy a minimum of twenty five dollars in WAFFLE tickets, they will receive a brand new InkBird ITC-306A Aquarium Temperature Controller! (A $59 value!!!) Limit one.