Aussie LFS crisis

aqw just asking but wheres your store located in Sydney so I can come have a visit and judge for my self. If youv'e got good corals or fish youv'e got some $$$.
sorry only south east queensland at this time we do go to sydney for large tanks....

regards kevin
So um Kev,

What species of nudibranc are they that you sell?

What do they eat? What do you reccomend they eat?

You appear to stock quite a few of them.
Aqw, I know this really isn't of my concern, but it looks like your business really does need some help. If you knew that keeping up with so many Saltwater tanks would be time consuming, why did you set them up?? The problem I see here is that you have a very concerned customer that wants to know what is going on. I know that what he did was wrong by sneaking around taking photos and posting them on here, but from what I can see, those are some sick fish..... Everyones tank looks pristine before you put water in it, but if you don't take care of it/have reputable people doing it for you, you are killing lots of live animals. I hope you don't take offense in this as I do see where you are coming from. If you wouldn't mind taking pictures as they are now, then that might clear up a bunch of confusion. Maybe your only problem is that you need better employees......but there is something wrong here.....
I was rather hoping that aqw would come back and attempt to answer my question in order to get some dialogue going but anyway...

I should come clean, I am a hobbyiest living reasonable close to two of the aqw shops. (sthprt/labrador). I have no affiliation to ozyreefa nor to any other lfs. I am a hobbiest with a large fully stocked reef system.

I made the decision a couple of years ago to not spend a single cent in any of the aqw shops after having spent quite a lot in the past. I made this decision after deciding that the livestock (Fish and inverts) were far to risky to introduce to my system.

I have since found other shops in the SE Qld region that have much larger choices of higher quality livestock for very competitive prices and now shop there. Some are more than an hour's drive away.

I do occaisionally stick my head in the aqw shops (latest about a week ago) since they are located next to Supercheap Auto (Car part chain store), but have yet to see any recent changes that would me come back and hand over some of my hard earned cash.

I would suggest that ozyreefa do the same.
I think whenever economics meets animal welfare its hard to get a good result (for the animals I mean)...

I've kept saltwater for the better part of 20 years and I'm a sydneysider. What I've found is there are good and bad shops, here and overseas...

Its ironic that at a time when we know so much more about keeping marines that poor husbandry on a commercial scale still flourishes.I hope your gold coast chain doesn't come down here - as there are already a couple of dodgey sydney shops. Worse still its often customers - who vote with their wallets - that keep them in business.
Wow, spent a couple of weeks abroad and i come back to look at my thread and blammo. Umm AQW if you look beside my name it says i am a ceramic tiler! Not an lfs owner hence the shirt you are going to track me down with, lol!!! Apart from every second ceramic tiler on the coast wearing the same shirt that i do, ( given to me and every1 else for free by the glue manufacturer, hahaha) I am sure it would be much easier to fix your tanks than chase me down my friend. I am still waiting for your educated answer on how you feed your nudibranches, or are you going to tell me that they eat brine shrimp like your staff did. You realize you have absolutely no foot to stand on with this issue. Looking foward to your reply AQW.
"as for corals yes we dont buy many and we keep them in a 5000 ltr syetem with a chiller at 24 deg with 7 x 150watt 14000 and 20000 k tubes and we turn over the water 16 times per hour"

If so then why does the thermometer on the tank say 27? I think it is plainly obvious from the pictures that you do not have the correct lighting for your corals, 2 x 20w tubes at the most (when both tubes in your stock tank hood are working). If you did have, as you say 1050w beaming down how would you fit them over the anemone tank that is pictured? This tanks dimensions are roughly 36" by 24", obviously not enough room to fit all those lights you mentioned let alone even a couple of them. You cannot fool the educated my friend.
I know this is my third in a row but every time i look at this guys posts i find more contradictions, any1 see a tank in AQW's pictures that could possible hold 7x150w? I dont think soo..........
And if as you say that this store has been there for 12 years then why is evey single tank brand new as of 11/10/05 (which is clearly printed in the bottom right corner of your picture). This is becoming downright hilarious.
I guess what really gets me is... who cares if your cheap... I really would pay $10 more for a healthy fish. You emphasize how cheap you are but not on how well you take care of your stock... seems a bit fishy to me
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11674557#post11674557 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by suta4242
Its ironic that at a time when we know so much more about keeping marines that poor husbandry on a commercial scale still flourishes.

There is no irony in it. It costs money to care for livestock. Hobbyist's want cheap so they get it. That's what businesses do - give people what their wallets say they want, not what their mouths say they want.

I am really dismayed at your last post.

Here you have an oppotunity to converse with former customers who are very much still in the hobby. I imagine that not too many businesses get the oppotunity to see where they are going wrong from a former customers point of view with the possibility of improving its service.

Instead, it appears that AQW is not interested in improvement and hence my wallet will stay firmly where it is.
hi ozgbr

sorry but i dont get on here much as i am busy importing more marine fish:cool:

i only found out about this forum as another shop rang me and told me what was going on...

i dont think i can say what i need to on here and my posts would only come across wrong...

so i think i cant keep everyone happy sorry.....

but we sell a lot of fish to a lot of happy hobbyists

and my 50% sale will be on for the rest of the year ...

regards kevin