Automatic Feeders for Nano Aquarium. Ideas?


I'm looking for some suggestions on automatic feeders for my 24ga JBJ Nanocube. As the holidays are approaching, I need to have a solution to introduce nutrients into the aquarium during my absence from home.

I've been feeding my tank (Percula Clown pair and Yellow Watchman Goby/Pistol Shrimp) with frozen Mysis and Brine. Obviously, I'll need to convert to dry foods to use an automatic feeder. The fish haven't been interested with flake foods, and I doubt the Yellow Watchman would ever get to it.

That Plank Auto feeder looks interesting, yet expensive.

Has anyone had success with automatic feeders without the food dumping into the overflow? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
There is a newer frozen fish food feeder (pricey) - aF4
No experience with it and reviews seem mostly positive but some complaints are out there.

@Dr. Reef I believe uses a DIY frozen food feeder out of a wine bottle cooler I think.

I use a knock off of the eheim auto feeder on my 65 for dry food. It works well but feeds quite a bit even toward the smaller setting.

I’ve heard nothing but good things about the plank though too.
There is a newer frozen fish food feeder (pricey) - aF4
No experience with it and reviews seem mostly positive but some complaints are out there.

@Dr. Reef I believe uses a DIY frozen food feeder out of a wine bottle cooler I think.

I use a knock off of the eheim auto feeder on my 65 for dry food. It works well but feeds quite a bit even toward the smaller setting.

I’ve heard nothing but good things about the plank though too.
Thank you for your input. I've heard go things with the Eheim, but overfeeding might be an issue in my nano.
Yes its a simple idea. Amazon has wine chillers that keep 34F or even lower in some cases. But the one i had was 34F. I filled a normal glass bottle with food and rodi water and had a doser attached to the botttle.
Now i use a commercial frozen food feeder. IND AF4.