Awesome Customer Service!


New member
I wanted to share my story with everyone about my experience with Aquarium Concept.

First off I really like all the LFS in town except for one and I think a few of us feel the same way. You should know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I've been to Aquarium Concept quite a few times and have purchased some fish from Luis and Sandy. Some died due to my on fault while others are still alive and thriving. Last week on Thursday I believe I went over to Aquarium Concept. I bought a picasso trigger and a pair of medium clowns. They were huge and had an awesome price by the way. I picked one out that was darker than normal. Not fully black and not bright orange. It had a smokey look to him. It was beautiful. Luis mentioned he really liked it and I took him. He asked me to let him know how the fish did later. Well I got home and the darker one seemed to be having trouble breathing. I still went thru the acclimation. Drip acclimated for about two hours. By the time clown hit the water he looked really bad. He was spinning and couldn't swim right. I called Luis just to let him know it didn't look like he was going to make it but he wasn't available. I spoke to his wife Sandy and told her he looked bad. I just wanted to let them know since Luis had liked the fish and asked me to update him.

This is where the story gets good. Sandy apologized right away and told me to not worry about it. She told me come back to the store when I could and I could pick out some other things since they had no more clowns that big or they could order one for me. She just asked for a sample of water to make sure my water is good before I would add anything else. WOW!! I was surprised. I told her I would stop by later. I went back the next day and took a sample of my water. Luis and Sandy were awesome. They helped me out right away and said it was up to me what I wanted to do. I ended up ordering another clown. All my water parameters were zero. My pH was just a bit low at 7.9 tho.

The new clown arrived Monday. They called me and let me know right away. We decided to leave him there to make sure he was ok. I picked him up today and acclimated again for 2 hours. Right now he's doing great. Gotta say I am impressed at the customer service. I didn't expect them to offer themselves to replace it and take care of everything.

Just wanted to share my story :)
This sounds like how all of the stores should take care of their customres. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: to Luis and Sandy for taking care of business. It is just good business. I had an experience that was a lot the same as far as the fish went but not the same custo service. It was not at the same store.
Customer service in this day and age speaks volumes. Companies do not want a bad name because of customer service. It spreads faster especially in this day and age of instant communication. Aquarium Concepts, Louis and Sandy, GREAT JOB!!!!! Gonna have to check them out soon before I venture out of here.
Gotta to agree great store and great people even thou its all across town for me its still worth driving all the way across.
I live about 7 blocks from Aquarium Concept Luis and Sandy are great people me and my brother love and spend time in the store :)