B.Friends 190 Gallon UpStairs!


Well it is time for my custom 190 gallon sps tank to become a reality, it has been 7 years and 5 tanks earlier to become a reality. I have had a 5 gallon NANO, My 50 gallon ,75 Gallon and 20 Gallon all were mixed reef aqauriums. I started this adventure when I was 14 now I am 21 and it has been a learning experience. I have learned so much from that first day I started my 20 gallon Mixed reef tank. Now I look back at what I started with and what I am building now and it is amazing. Pretty much I think everyone that loves this hobby knows that what you spend on there tank in the beginning and what we spend 7 years down the road, Is know were near what you spent before. But it is well worth it to me and many other on this forum.

Enough about me time for some Specs!

190 Gallon Custom built tank euro braced Dimensions ( 59"L 30"W 24"H)
<B>- Starphire front glass
-External Overflow
-Drilled for my closed loop
-Sides are drilled for my 2nd Closed loop that will be my waves
-1st Closed loop Sequence Barracuda through 2 Wavy seas on the back side of the tank.
-2nd Closed loop is another Sequence Barracuda that either will go through a custom 2 way to recreate waves or a ocean motions 4 way.
-Return Gen X in sump 1120gph</B>

Under the tank!
50 Gallon Acrylic Sump
-Refugium in the sump
-Skimmer Octopus 200 Re-Circ Modded
-Custom Built Cal Reactor and Second Media Chamber
-Phos Ban Reactor
-300 watt Titanium Heater
- 1/2hp Chiller forgot exact name will look that one up

Up in the Air-

-Reefkeeper 2 or Aquacontroller II, I will be using one or the other.
-Lighting that I have planned right now are 2 single ended 400watt 14k radiums overdriven with HQI ballast's. And lumen Max reflectors in a custom built Aluminum housing.

I am going to be leaving the top of the tank open since it is a Euro braced tank.

More Later Im Hungry
Yeah I will get some ASAP I got a new Camera so I cant wait but i keep leaving the camera at work. DSLR TIME
Well I left my camera at work again. But the good news I finished milling some intake grills for my friend that owns waves a local fish store here in tualatin. It is for a custom tank that he got built for his home.
Here is a quick pic I took in my garage Enjoy

I have been playing with flow reason for the water in the tank.
glass can always be replaced. i would much rather have my front pane break installing it than have an entire system crash or something terrible happen after the whole setup is finished. keep working! its always worth it in the end.