B-Ionic and ICH???


New member
Hello to all in the reefing world,

i started about a month ago dosing B-Ionic and noticed something i am not sure if it is related to it or not, i am dosing 3-4 times a week about 30ML of both part 1 & 2, the day after or that same evening my sailfin tank gets ICH other than the ICH it does not seem to have any other ill effect good eating habits and so on , if i cointinue dosing it gets worse if i stop if seems to go away in 2 days or so??? anyone had this side effect??? all other params are in order! (i have also lost 2 chromis, dont know if it is realted or not)

any help and ideas would greatly be appreciated

Thanks in advance,
I used b-ionic on my 12 gallon then continued using it on my 37 gallon. I had good results. The only reason why I am not using it now is because they were out when I went to replenish my supply and decided to use something different, kent products, which seems to be working just as well. The only thing I have noticed since switching is red slime, but its probably unrelated. I didnt have any sort of ich or any other disease that wasnt isolated to just one fish since using it. Perhaps there is a chemical relation to this phenomena. Obviously the first step I would recommend would be a hearty sized water change, then observe carefully and go from there.
B-ionic itself wouldn't give ich, and I've used it with much sucess. However things to keep in mind are that if you're pouring the b-ionic into the display, your fish might be getting agitated by it, as it is a very basic solution, causing a brief pH swing which could stress them out, lowering their immune system enough for ich to get hold.

It's also important to note that by the time you can see the ich on the fish, it's already most of its way through it's lifecycle, and unfortunatly a lot of times when new fish exhibit it, they've already had their gills eaten up by the disease. It's just always good to feed nice healthy food for the fish, best food is the real/natural stuff, nori, fresh seafood, etc blended with some garlic.

Good luck Emilio, hope that you find a solution that works for them..
Brett and Eric, thanks for the input.

the only variable that has changed is the B-Ionic so i thought i would ask if anyone had similar issues. i figured there might be something that the tang in particular does not seem to get along with in the chemical and stresses it out