Guy got my reefer 525 going and need to know what is everyone using to dip your new corals now days . I got some bayer advance but like to know what are you guys doing for the ones on live rocks.
I typically remove any corals I buy from any live rock (rubble usually) and glue to a fresh plug or rubble from my own tank after I dip. So I guess the answer is no, I've never tried it. I'd be concerned with the rock later leeching Bayer into my tank if it's a porous rock and you can't rinse it fully?
I've used Coral Rx, dipped rocks with corals attached. I soak them in a bucket of untreated tank water for a while after. I also run carbon for a while in the display after I put them back in. Clams, shrimp, fish, etc in the tank, no problems.
Not sure the size of the rock it's on but I've used Revive or CoralRX for things like that in the past and have had no issues. I usually dip and then rinse well in tank water.
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