bad day

so I was working on the plumbing in my brand new 150 today and because of the nerve damage in my arm, dropped my pliers and cracked the bottom of the tank. Anyone have any ideas of what I can do? Kinda resigned to having to buy another brand new tank. $800 down the drain...
oh crap that sucks... Don't know if you could use a car windshield repair kit but I sort of doubt it be strong enough or if you be able to trust it. etc. If it were acrylic maybe you could glue a piece over the crack sort of like a tire patch if its on the bottom nobody would see it, but again could you trust it..
Oh that is horrible new bud. To be honest, I would not risk putting all the rock, fish and corals into this tank that may cost you much more down the road if it breaks. I would just bite the bullet now, maybe delay the project a bit and get a new tank. It is better to lose an empty tank now, than all your lifestock and ruining your house later because of a fix that may not work.

Good luck!
Oh that is horrible new bud. To be honest, I would not risk putting all the rock, fish and corals into this tank that may cost you much more down the road if it breaks. I would just bite the bullet now, maybe delay the project a bit and get a new tank. It is better to lose an empty tank now, than all your lifestock and ruining your house later because of a fix that may not work.

Good luck!

Yea that was my thought process too. Anyone have any idea where I can get a tank that is designed for the ghost style overflow?

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Bummer my friend. If I had an extra tank.....I would toss it your way. I hope all works out.

I couldn't sleep last night. Every time I started to doze off and dream, everything would shatter like glass. Totally bummed

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Just a thought, if it is a tank that you've recently purchased using a credit card, you may have some type of purchase protection.

I had a red sea tank break during install and was able to get it covered by Amex
Sorry to hear about this. I always worry about dropping a rock every time I've done a new tank.

I think a new bottom panel is the only safe way. I'm like you though, it's outta my league to replace one. I'd just delay the build until I could get a new tank.
Get a piece of glass bigger then the crack. And silicon it over the crack completely. It woke be pretty but it will work. If you’re doing a sand bed just make sure it gets cover and you should be fine. Obviously this is depending how big your crack was.
I'm not familiar with fish tank glass but I have heard about drilling holes at the ends of the cracks to stop it from spreading. Not sure if that applies here or not though.
I would be worried about filling it and would probably get a new tank