Ok lately alot of things have been going bad for me. This morning i got another surprise to add to the list. Over the weekend i added a purple firefish to my tank with no problem, it even ate after being in the tank for just under 2 minutes. So i was pretty happy with my new fish. This morning i get up and notice that my new firefish is no where to be found. I thought it might have jump into my back chambers becuase i have a bio cube. Nope not there. I look into the tank again and i see my coral banded shrimp hanging out in it's usual spot, but something was different. I lean in for a better look and there it is. My brand new fish was in two pieces and in the claws of the shrimp as it devored it's tasty coloful meal. I gotta say i wasn't to happy with my shrimp after that so i went ahead and ripped off both its claws ( by accident trying to get the fish out of its claws ) whats wierd is that this shrimp has been in there for like 4 months with no problems and i have other tiny fish much smaller then the firefish, rainford goby, orange prawn goby. So why did it decide to go after a fish after all this time?, and yes he is well fed.