Bahamas bound... need a underwater camera.

Helfrichs Chic

New member
So next cruise is booked for the first week of May and I NEED to find a decent underwater camera. I cant do the whole 9 yards with housing and all that so looking for a decent digital. I don't need anything more that 30ft really as I don't care to dive deep really. I was DEVISTATED that next to none of the pics I took from the Cayman islands, Belize, Honduras or Cozumel came out. I had an underwater "film" camera and I think the film was bad. Here are a couple, anyone have these or input on one in the $2-300ish range?? Thanks!! :fish2:

I like the specs here but I didn't see a macro feature:
Canon D10 Powershot Digital Camera

Also looking at the Olympus Stylus Tough 8000, but never really big a fan of Olympus.

The Pentax Optio W90 is pretty sick too and has LEDs around the lens for nice close ups too.
I would say the Canon would be your best bet, I have always been a fan of their cameras and this one should not disapoint. The Olympus all in one is average, the lens mechanism is not the best and even though it claims 30ft, I wouldn't trust it.

Pentax sounds good, I sold these back in the day and people liked them but I have not seen the new one with LED's - interesting concept.

Canon or Penax - Flip a Coin!

Hope this helps.
Yeah I didn't go deeper than about 10 feet when snorkeling. I wouldn't trust *any* brand to actually hold up to the advertised depth. It's not made to be a top of the line camera -- it's made to take good pictures for the average Joe, or in this case the average Owen :)
I agree with Owen, I have little faith in anything that does not have its own waterproof housing. When in doubt I always refer to www dot dpreview dot com

Specs on Canon: WP to 33ft, macro is 1.3"

Pentax: WP to 18ft, Macro down to .39"
I got an olympus before my trip to hawaii, the camera took great pictures and even some decent videos. I had no problems with water resistance, built really well. It's even been dropped a few times with no damage.

I haven't tried another brand so I cant speak to them, but I highly recommend the Olympus based on my experience.

Check out newegg as well, sometimes they have pretty good deals.

Have Fun
That Panasonic looks good as well, I just have an issue with the lens mechanism which works similar to a submarine periscope. Just oldschool I guess. Panasonic would be my choice though.
UGH this is sooo annoying!! I cant find ANY of these locally except the Olympus 6020. I test drove it today at best buy and I will say its got some really sweet features. Lots of fun lens angles like fish eye and sepia and such. Also had a cool feature that with underwater mode there are 3 different red filters that get more vivid red as you get to deeper depths to cancel the blue. I liked that. I ALSO found that it has 2 types of underwater macro settings. One normal that you can use flash, or not and a second that lights up a NICE bright LED right next to the lens for super macro shots that will come out nice and bright. Was pretty slick!!! It is 14MP and 5x zoom which is really nice. Also on sale for under $200 I think or maybe $220ish.

I am gonna try to find the cannon and I would like the Lumix but just cant spend the $350 on it :( The cannon seems ok and it looks like it has a LED too but no info on if it does or not. Its all about light and I love to free dive and snap macros so the LED is now a must after seeing it in action today. I think all in all I am gonna go with the Olympus if I cant find any others in stores tomorrow. I just HOPE that i get decent pics!!
Fish eye is worthless, though. You'll end up going with the regular mode most of the time underwater. Get decent pics underwater. I can send you some if you want :)
It's not exactly what your looking for, but the Kodak Playsport has done very well for me at the aquarium. No housing, just straight up water tight. I've taken mine well below it's advertised depth, (and several times too) it's great for video, photos are ok. Rough and tumble is why I like it. Just another avenue, i picked mine up at Staples of all places local.
I have an older olympus the 1030SW, I really beat the crud out of it rock climbing.. lol, but I take it with me snorkeling all the time.. its starting to have some problems with rust coming out of the lens area, and occasionaly another seal on the side.. but I have gotten probably 3 hrs of snorkeling in with it.. and the damage could be a combination of the climbing abuse mixed with salt water, so overal it has done me well being that any other camera would have been destroyed.

picture quality is all over the place.. sometimes nice, sometimes particly looking.. so definetly not the best for real good highquality pics..
here's some examples of what I mean from my last snorkeling trip:

and here's an example of what i mean by particly, not sure if its bubbles or what..

also forgot to say, I have taken it to 30 and past 30, as you go deaper you can tell as functions start turning off.. but it has survived.
Thanks relaxed!!!! Heres the trick. I am a graphic designer and have photoshop, so the color I know I can adjust after the fact. I imagine this is what that top pic looked like. Honestly if all my pics looked like this and all for a $200 camera I would be HAPPY! Plus this edit on took about 4 seconds, I can get pretty detailed if I have a specific pic I really like and the color is off. Great shots, where was that!?
Love my Olympus Stylus Tough 8000! Like any water proof camera, take very good care of the the seals. Don't let any hair, sand dust get in the gasket, it will ruin the camera quickly! And wash it as soon as you get out of the salt water!