Bandomo's ReefBox: A New Journey...


New member
Throughout the years I’ve had several successful aquariums along the way. Such in life: school, work, travels, moving, lost of interest, renewed excitement, new hobbies, and many other factors has played its roll and hindered my ability to continuously keep aquariums long term (4+ years). When it’s all said and done I know one thing for sure, a saltwater aquarium makes me feel complete.

As I’ve grown and matured throughout the years in the hobby, I’ve come to realize that no matter how many tanks you’ve owned, or how many books you’ve read, or how many hobbyists you speak to, or how many MACNA’s you attend, every tank is different. What works for me, may not work for you. If it worked in the past, it may not work in the future. Throughout the years I’ve come to believe that there really isn’t no wrong or right, but yet more like trial and error for that particular setup. After all, each tank has its only personality, and it’s up to you, the hobbyist, to figure it out.

With that said, I begin the journey of a new 90g Reef Savvy aquarium.
The plan is to keep it as simple as possible and limit the time and effort needed to run and maintain it successfully. Simplicity is in the details, and after scratching my head and planning for several months, I hope that it all works according to plan. The starting foundation will be what is in my opinion reefkeeping 101: a properly rated skimmer, live rock, live sand (optional), frequent water changes, and the proper maintenance of Alk, Cal, and Mag. Carbon and GFO will be used sparingly and only when absolutely necessary.

So, what’s the plan?
Well, first and foremost is to understand your weaknesses. From past experiences, one of my main challenges has been the on-again/off-again excitement for the hobby. Even thou I absolutely love this hobby, sometimes boredom kicks in. Lost of excitement, other hobbies, family, and life in general tends to pull you away and hinder your excitement and time required to successfully and continuously maintain your aquarium. All to often, I see numerous threads of hobbyist breaking down their beloved aquarium due to other priorities and/or lack of time. Therefore, I’ve put much thought into making this system as automated as possible, with hopes of the system maintaining itself during the off-again, lack of time, life is in the way phase. I guess what I’m trying to say is that if all goes according to plan, this tank should always be running on…….Cruise Control.

I looking forward to follow your new system, I know you have a wet thumb to make it efficient and visually appealing.
I am in the same boat. I have the tank stand sump and skimmer. Waiting on the pump and powerhead from the group buy. I wanna make everything as automated as possible. Considering that doser that someone posted from fish Street. At this point I'm thinking this may be a totally knockoff build except for the radion gen 2 that made the tank stand and sump I got pretty much free.
We all have good times, we all have bad times. Its part of the hobby.

What makes you or breaks you is perseverance!!!
Thanks for the kind words everyone!

Jimbo, although I haven't posted, I've been following along with your threads. Nice to see you back in the hobby! I'm sure you'll enjoy your new SC Skimmer. I ran the smaller version on my previous tank and absolutely loved it.
Honestly, not much to say in this regard. I tried to keep it as clean, simple, and effective as possible. I did plan for the future incase I want to run a Biopellet and/or Media reactor down the road. Otherwise, the overflow and return system is pretty straight forward...




Love the Sch80 look! That's how I did mine! I even painted the white fittings grey to match! Can't wait for more pics and updates. Should be epic. More updates before Eddie has a coronary, LOL!