BAYER ADVANCED Complete - Coral Dip

I'm going out to pick some up today. can I get a confirmation on the exact name and ingredient so i don't get something that wipes all my new frags coming in?
It's about half the cost of traditional dips and you get about five times the volume. It kills red bugs, Acropora-Eating Flatworms, various pods, and just about any other nasty hitchhiker and doesn't hurt the coral - at least none of the ones I've every used it on. So you get more product for less money.
Just wondering, what do you guys do for stuff like bubble & aiptasia? Just manual inspection & removal?
bubble - manually remove the bubble algae in a separate container of tank water
aiptasia/mojano - kalk paste to the face. or you can buy aiptasia x or joes juice, does the same thing.
I used emerald crabs for the bubble algae. A lot of people don't like them because they say they will eat corals. I never had a problem. Guess there was plenty of food in the tank to eat
Worst thing to see is a beautiful tank with bubble algae all over.

From Foster & Smith

"The Emerald Crab is well respected for its scavenging ability. It will enthusiastically feed on uneaten meaty foods and many types of nuisance algae. Unlike many other animals, Mithraculus sculptus will eat bubble algae and helps clean your aquarium of these algae. Its distinct, flat shiny green body and hairy legs easily identify the Emerald Crab.
Native to the reefs of the Caribbean, the Emerald Crab is nocturnal and hides in caves and amongst rubble during the day. In the home aquarium, this member of the Majidae family requires a well-established aquarium with plenty of rockwork and hiding places. Once familiar with its surroundings, the Emerald Crab will venture out of hiding during the day to forage on algae.

Care needs to be taken to ensure an ample supply of food is available for the Emerald Crab. Many aquarists supplement the Emerald Crab's diet with dried seaweed and chopped meaty foods, such as shrimp, as well as a quality pellet fish food.

Otherwise, this opportunistic feeder may turn to corals, invertebrates, or small fish for a food source. However, when well fed, most Emerald Crabs are very tolerant of their tankmates and highly compatible in reef environments. Like other invertebrates, the Emerald Crab does not tolerate copper-based medications or fluctuating water parameters."
I personally prefer Revive Coral Cleaner. The main reason is, revive is clear and I can see any pests that come off the coral and treat them as needed. Bayer is cloudy and even after draining most of the liquid, it is still hard to tell what is what in the bottom of the container.
As for Bayer killing everything, don't believe it. Montipora Nudibranch, will survive dips even at high concentrations. It does help make the nudi lose it's grip and come off the coral. Left some in a dip overnight and they were still alive the next day.
I agree about the cloudy part. I hate it, but you have to look really well at the coral. I have no experience with the nudies with Bayers since I haven't bought any in a long time. At least it did knock them off. Maybe do 2 dips on any montis. I have read Revive is harsher on corals, but I can't say for sure if it is or isn't. Does Revive kill everything including nudies?
Revive doesn't kill nudi's, nor does coral rx, lugol's, and some other hokey pokey dip I bought I can't remember the name of. I didn't find anything that killed them, and didn't kill the coral. If it's a frag, any dip should work for the nudis, as long as you get them all off and there's no eggs. Tricky part is when the coral is encrusted on a rock or plug and you can't get to the underside. Nudi's will hide in any crack or crevice and lay mass quantities of eggs. I spent many months, dipping, inspecting, removing nudis with pipette until I finally got tired enough and fragged all the monti down to manageable size pieces. Tossed most of it out. That was the same time I was dipping all the acropora for AEFW. The only pieces I lost using revive were ones that were too far gone from the infestation. So as far as which is hasher, I don't know. I dipped acro in revive in a qt tank that were loaded with redbugs from a buddies system. I could not get rid of them until I treated with milbemycin oxime.
I used to read in the forums qt, qt , qt, blah blah blah, I was smarter than that. Just dip everything that goes in the tank. That didn't work out too good, after having almost every pest known to man. Figure lesson learned right? Not, I still slack on qt and feel someday it will come back to haunt me