BB, DSB or SSB?? More confused than ever!


Premium Member
To summarize until now...

I've been a NanoCube 12 owner for about 9 months and have been through just about every upgrade in the book from an overflow mod to now running 150w HQI 20k with an AquaC Remora hanging off the back. The 12 gal was my first stab at saltwater and has been a great learning experience but I feel it's time to upgrade.

Last FTS of NC12:

About 2 months ago I contacted Jeff's Exotic Fish about having a custom acrylic tank designed (24 x 16 x 16) and since receiving I've been setting up the equipment and plumbing. Which includes:

25gal tank (24x16x16)
17gal sump (24 x12 x 14)
2 x PanWorld 50px (590gph) return pumps
1 x OM Super Squirt
and I'll be using the 150w MH and AquaC Remora from 12gal

Below is where I'm at so far:


(all bulkheads are 3/4" and the locline is sized down to 1/2 through a Y adapter for added flow - top 2 are returns from the sump, middle 2 are CLS returns with the obvious intake between)


(showing plumbing and 2x Panworld 50x pumps with OM Squirt running on the CLS)


(showing most recent shot with sump, 1" drain, rockwork, sand bed etc)

My reason for posting is the sand bed, I'm more confused now that I ever was, it's amazing the more you learn the more you feel like you're clueless. The flow currently is too much for the sand bed, I've tried arranging the return nozzles but it doesnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t' seem to help much with keeping the sand bed in place.

The original plan was to transfer the contents of my 12 gal (lps, zoos, shrooms, ricordia, softies) to the new tank and take a stab at some easier SPS. I was going to keep a 2" sand bed in the main tank and a 4" in the sump and run cheato and skim for nutrient export.

1. What sort of sand bed configuration should I run? I'm growing to like the Faux / starboard BB I'm seeing more often, and seems to be a good option with the excessive flow in the display.

2. If I run a BB in the display it would be senseless to run any sand in the refugium correct since it would in theory defeat the purpose of BB?

3. Can I close the ball valves on the return? Can the PanWorld pumps stand the added pressure?

Ultimately, I'm just confused on what to do with the sand bed and would like some direction.

Thank you in advance!
Looking Good!
WIth all the plumbing and flow you have on this new set-up it's SCREAMING SPS/BB!

Go for it!
My fiance wanted to originally get a Green Spotted Mandarin... would that be ondoubtedly out of the question with a BB?

With BB a DSB in the fuge would be a detriment no?

I also read that Cheato will not grow in a BB system, just out of curiosity... why?
A mandarin may actually do fine in a BB. The key with that fish is the mostly eat live foods...pods, etc. In my BB I am seeing a lot of pod life and a lot of pod skins floating around as they molt. Im sure I would have enough food to support him in another 3 months or so. Sometimes you may get lucky and find one in a LFS thats eating frozen or prepared foods but its rare.

In a well maintained BB, there would be no need for a FUGE.
Cheato may grow in a BB if you supply enough nutrients. The idea behind a BB is to give you total control of how nutrient rich or poor you want your tank. I want an SPS dominat tank. I am running a low Nutrient system where not much algae grows at all.
What would happen if I kept a 2" bed in the display and a 4" DSB with cheato in the fuge? Is that bad news or sustainable?

I knocked the CLS back a little and the sand isn't moving much... once everything settles it should be fine. I'd like to have a mixed reef, maybe even a RBTA down the road if everything works... but who knows. I was intending to use a few bottles of those live copepods to jump start in a few months and see what happens with the mandarin.
All three options work. Some fish and coral are more likely to do better if you have a DSB, but some people have had problems maintianing them. SSBs give the attractive appearance of sand without the biological variability, but by most accounts they're also the highest maintenance. BB tanks take out the variability of the sand bed and give you the greatest control, but you won't be able to keep some reef creatures and you lose the natural apperance of sand, if that is what you prefer.

It really comes down to personal preference.
Looks great. Lots of good suggestions above. Have you gave any thought as to power failures???? Just asking
Thank you for all of the input guys. I think I've decided to keep a SSB in the display and a 5" layer of sand in the fuge. I'll still have about 6" of room to grow cheato so I'm going to try that for now and keep a close watch on the DSB and remove if necessary.

The excessive water movement was really the only reason I had to go BB and that seems more controlled.

mg426, I have not put a ton of thought into power failures, what suggestions do you have. I do own a computer company and have about 20 APC 1200s in stock to hook up in an emergency. (I live and work in the same place and the tank is in the office) However, I'd probably have to keep a different pump on hand since the panworlds probably draw too much power for the APC to work for any desirable length of time.
Base your decision on your knowledge of how each different setup works, and on the type of livestock you intend to keep. IMO with the flow you would be able to obtain with that setup, this is like owning a Ferrari and only being able to drive it on a dirt road. You seem to have done your homewok when it came down to the equipment, now it's time to do your homework on the possibilities. Anyways, good luck and I'm sure you'll figure out the setup that works best for you and what you want to keep.