BB mirror effect..


New member
To all of you that have gone with BB is there a way to get rid of the mirror effect on the bottom of the tank? Im not going to go with starboard on this particular tank (nano) but I think that the look detracts from the aesthetics. I was thinking that maybe painting the bottom (below, not in it) black might help. What do you all think?
i would like to be able to do that but the curvature of the tank would make it very difficult to look professional.
I have a nano, It was class bottomed with white paint on the bottom of the tank at one time. I know have starboard, it is 100x better. Starboard is very cheap and the cuttingboardcompany cuts it for you for free. Just go on their site and type in the size you want and get the quote, it is free and takes 10seconds.

Dont worry in no time your bottom, glass bottom that is, will be covered with coraline algae. Or you can have encrusting coral but that'd take a few years atleast
the thought that i had was that the curvature of the front of the jbj tank would make it look poor. As others have stated though that a little gap will make cleanup easier. I could use some extra black silicone to cover the edges so that no mirror sneaks up. Thanks!
The mirror effect you are seeing is an illusion, has to do with the water / glass interface. Don't know the science behind it but painting the out side of the bottom glass will not help. It is just like the sides and back. When they are clean you get the same mirror effect.