BB tanks and fuge


New member
Just curious to all the bb'ers do you run your fuge w/ a deep sand bed. If not whats in your fuge..Also do any of you run a RDSB (in bucket sb to control nitrates) Thanks trying to learn
Running any kind of fuge in a BB system completely defeats the purpose of a BB system.

The idea is to not have a place where detrius can settle, in this case, it would settle in the sand or get caught up in the macro that wouldn't grow (due to low nutrients).
The deep sand bed and fuge to a lesser extent defies the purpose of BB. In a properly run system you should not need it.

In a properly run system the algae will not live.

I have a BB set-up with BB fuge with cheato in the fuge with a few pieces of rocks. I have a powerhead to add flow. No detrious settle in the fuge. If it did I would just siphon it out like the display.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6515312#post6515312 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by eidillitih
I have a BB set-up with BB fuge with cheato in the fuge with a few pieces of rocks. I have a powerhead to add flow. No detrious settle in the fuge. If it did I would just siphon it out like the display.

If your tank was setup properly the cheato would either 1) not grow at all or 2) die. Plus that cheato will catch detrius that flows through it, allowing it to turn into nitrates.
I think a BB with a DSB fuge makes a lot of sense if you believe that DSB's need to be changed every few years to maintain optimal performance. Can you Imagine trying to change out a DSB when it is in your main display tank? What a nightmare. I know I have read some threads(I think by Dr. Ron) pertaining to effectiveness of refuge DSB's. I think having a DSB in the fuge allows you to create the high flow in the display tank(needed for SPS) while still benefiting from the DSB in the fuge. Kind of the best of both worlds IF you believe in DSB's.

Having said this I should also point out that I run totally BB and have Chaeto/LR in my fuge like eidillitih does. Been running 2 years without any issues.
I removed my 'fuge when going BB, have been quite happy since.

No idea if running one would be helpful, as I haven't. [or haven't felt the need]
Remote dsb, if properly setup, will not allow settling of detritus. But it will provide added benefit of nitrate removal.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6516136#post6516136 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by J_Geisinger000
so you guys that are not running a fuge with your barebottom tanks what are you using for filtration ??

just the protein skimmer?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6516136#post6516136 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by J_Geisinger000
so you guys that are not running a fuge with your barebottom tanks what are you using for filtration ??

just the protein skimmer?

When I set up my bb tank, I incorporated a refugium. My tank ran quite well, but my macro never seemed to grow. I had enough flow in the fuge to keep detritus from ending up on the bottom, but that just kept things suspended in the water column where they were easily trapped by the Chaetomorpha. I found myself constantly removing the Chaeto and cleaning it in a bucket of salt water. It didn't take long before it dawned on me that everything the bb guys were saying about fuges is true. My fuge trapped more nutrients than it ever exported. I ended up getting rid of the macro and removing the lights from the fuge.

It isn't until you see just how clean you can keep a bb tank that you realize you don't need any help reducing nutrients. A big skimmer and tons of flow are all you need.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6516014#post6516014 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JimW
Remote dsb, if properly setup, will not allow settling of detritus. But it will provide added benefit of nitrate removal.

But regardless, a DSB still completely negates the benefits of BB. You don't have to worry about a crash, you don't have to clean the sand since there isn't any, you don't have to worry about anything like that.

Wish Bomber was here, I'd like to have him chime in.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6516256#post6516256 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dascharisma
When I set up my bb tank, I incorporated a refugium. My tank ran quite well, but my macro never seemed to grow. I had enough flow in the fuge to keep detritus from ending up on the bottom, but that just kept things suspended in the water column where they were easily trapped by the Chaetomorpha. I found myself constantly removing the Chaeto and cleaning it in a bucket of salt water. It didn't take long before it dawned on me that everything the bb guys were saying about fuges is true. My fuge trapped more nutrients than it ever exported. I ended up getting rid of the macro and removing the lights from the fuge.

It isn't until you see just how clean you can keep a bb tank that you realize you don't need any help reducing nutrients. A big skimmer and tons of flow are all you need.


Amen brother :) I couldn't of stated it any better.
so I just ordered my asm g-3 for my 90 gall bb will this be big enough if its going to be my only filtration?

Im also going to be adding tunze and a waver maker soon for more flow right now I just have the return 2 seio 820's and a maxijet 1200 but like I said I will have plenty of flow when im done
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6515783#post6515783 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by elephen
If your tank was setup properly the cheato would either 1) not grow at all or 2) die. Plus that cheato will catch detrius that flows through it, allowing it to turn into nitrates.

So you say huh? I guess you've seen my set-up or your another expert of BB too. Water is filtered before it goes to the refugium and it run through my U.V. The cheato does not grow real well but I don't need it to do I. It serves its' purpose. I may not need a refugium but I like what it does for me.

I really getting tired of the know-it-alls. It seems to me that a lot of people want every tank to look the same and ran the same with all the same components. Why is that?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6517243#post6517243 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by eidillitih
So you say huh? I guess you've seen my set-up or your another expert of BB too. Water is filtered before it goes to the refugium and it run through my U.V. The cheato does not grow real well but I don't need it to do I. It serves its' purpose. I may not need a refugium but I like what it does for me.

I really getting tired of the know-it-alls. It seems to me that a lot of people want every tank to look the same and ran the same with all the same components. Why is that?

No need to start getting edgy. I was just stating the facts, in a textbook BB system cheato serves no purpose.

Now your setup may not be the textbook BB system, I don't know, I was just stating facts.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6516344#post6516344 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by J_Geisinger000
so I just ordered my asm g-3 for my 90 gall bb will this be big enough if its going to be my only filtration?

Im also going to be adding tunze and a waver maker soon for more flow right now I just have the return 2 seio 820's and a maxijet 1200 but like I said I will have plenty of flow when im done

I think you may want more.

90g tank dims are not much smaller then a 120 -- which is what I have. My tank consists of a closed loop with a Sequence Dart (2@1.5" intakes and 4@1" returns) and then a Pan World 150-PS (pressure rated) powering 2 eductors for the return. The eductors themselves have 50x turnover p/hr themselves. I'm worried that this may not be enough flow so I have been looking into 2 Tunze 6100's.