Beautiful new unknown macro


Found this beautiful macro today. Never seen anything like it. It's thin leafy rubbery and slimy to the touch. It has violet pink green and a bluish white to it. Anyone know what it could possibly be? image.jpg
Really cool! Is it growing like that (circular flower looking)? Or did you just drop it in the water. My first thought was maybe an ulva of some sort, but that doesn't usually grow like that to my knowledge.
No its growing in circular petals but it's definatly not rose petal or Ulva. I'm thinking its some sort of halymenia but idk. Hey phobos2deimos do you know?
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Ok Jefra I'll look into that species for investigation. Did yours get longer rounded leafs?

It keeps a ruffled, foliose appearance, different from yours. Some calcified macroalgae can grow adaptively depending on light conditions similar to stony corals. Also, M. pacifica can appear in many different colors depending on the location it's harvested from.

I'm not certain they're the same species, but figured you could use a starting point.
I don't think it's that because it's not calcified. It's soft and rubbery to the touch more like a Halymenia. Thanks for trying to help Id.