Been scammed

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Just got into this reefing hobby for a little over a year and have already been scammed by someone a couple hours away. WARNING: REEFER714 is a scammer. Dont' buy anything from him. Scammed me for $50 which is obviously lame and tells you he is scrounging for money anyway he can. Been hanging on his balls for a couple weeks now trying to get my money back but unfortunately it's not working!

Just like that one post he made about selling his 150 gallon tank. He was bsing everyone, probably another one of his scams.

Been in the car scene for 8 yrs and have not been scammed once from anyone on the other side of the world. Damn these poor fools trying to get into these expensive hobbies.:mad2:
damn why does all these problems come from the same area! lol. Sorry for your loss. There are some good reefers out there, you just gotta weed them out
silverarrow27 I know what you are going through. Here is a list of people (or person) you need to worry about.(vampire2,reefrookie2006, and unlimetedreef, Atlanticreef)this is the same person. This person is a big scammer and has been caught but he always changes his name. He actualy stole the purple monster he is selling in the Socal forum and has now put it up for sale and has yet to provide with pictures. Its kind of sad since there are alot of reefers in the OC that are good reefers just a small group of scammers.
Wow, I didn't know this was all the same person...
on the Purple monster thread, reefrookie2006 was defending unlimitedreef...

that becuase there the same person. They both joined feb06 and have the same amount of post and write the same way.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6886157#post6886157 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JN Reef
I had a feeling that guy was going to screw someone... sorry to hear about what happened. For people's reference, here's the original sell thread:

Thanks a lot JN Reef, but I posted on that also. I was asking him about that sump also when he posted that up! I think my post was like 3-6 down.

Thanks for all the help guys! I will be more careful now.
Sorry to hear it silverarrow27

Once again, being the nice guy that I am I was willing to look past negative things about this guy and hope for the best...

Over the past couple weeks I was trying to make arrangements to buy a Wave 1 pump from him. Things came up for me and I couldn't make it out there, so he told me no problem and to come the next weekend. Then when I'm all ready to go out there the next weekend he tells me he has training in 29 Palms and won't be around till April 15. Stuff happens so I blew it off figuring we would hook up later if it were to be.

WELL.... today I get a PM from the guy asking if I still have a reflector I previously posted and if he can pick it up in Westminster today. Funny, I'm looking at the calendar and its not even close to April 15. What's really funny, this guy already forgot the lie he told me! Didn't even mention the pump. This guy (Steve, if that's really his name) probably never even had the pump, and the only guy who had stuck up for him before has been banned.

Personally, I'm going to steer clear of this bonehead. People may jumop on this thread and defend him but I've made up my mind. Others should think twice as well.

People like this continue to dump on this otherwise good forum. It's getting ridiculous!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6886161#post6886161 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mchava
silverarrow27 I know what you are going through. Here is a list of people (or person) you need to worry about.(vampire2,reefrookie2006, and unlimetedreef, Atlanticreef)this is the same person. This person is a big scammer and has been caught but he always changes his name. He actualy stole the purple monster he is selling in the Socal forum and has now put it up for sale and has yet to provide with pictures. Its kind of sad since there are alot of reefers in the OC that are good reefers just a small group of scammers.

Oh my god. Now, you are accusing me.
Hey Mchava,

I really do not know you but I heard a lot about you. I was not like you to kiss people *** to get the descent price on the corals or promotion Hugo corals on RC, then get a free frag. Here is the pm I got from UnlimitedReef. Stop accusing me.
hahahaha Tony you crack me up. I dont kiss any once a$$ to get good price on coral and I also dont steal from people and then use other screen names to sell the coral I stoled. As far as iam conserned your just a waste of space in the reef hobby and people know what happened. Its funny that you hear alot about me since I only speak to a few people on here, but what evers only the mods would be able to see your IP address but Iam sure ist the same one.
ye i meet this guy from craigslist that was selling 250 watt mh "brand new" just yesteday, i bought the light home for 3 hour it was working then all of a sudden turn off on me, I call him up- well u know how it goes, can't get my money back, his email is and his fone is 562-537-8281 if u come by this email or fone number, do not buy because it's all BS, he'll tell u it's new and etc but it's not, lost of 125 buck, now im stuck with trying to find another 250 watt system.
I am currently in 29 Palms. I have been trying to log in to my Paypal but i can't due to the fire wall. I can't even have my damn phone on me. If you think i try to scam you for 50buck you must be out of your freaking mind. I even contact you and offer to drop off the damn sump at your place on my way down to 29 palms. You said you want the money back i told you i will send you back the 50 via paypal but I CAN'T ACCESS PAYPAL VIA GOVERNMENT COMPUTER. Anything have to do with commercial I.E ebay, recycler, and paypal obviously i can't get in.

You know my cell number, have you try to contact me? Kid, before you decided to call people names. Making sure you think before you open your mouth. I will drop by eric (Fragfarmer) on friday around 6pm Meet me there and we will get this corrected. I apologized for not to be able to send you the money on time. But calling me names i will correct that with you in person. If you want me to drop by your house even better. I don't mind, i can't fix this problem at any location. Remember for every action there is a reaction.
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