Been scammed

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6886857#post6886857 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REEFER714
I am currently in 29 Palms. I have been trying to log in to my Paypal but i can't due to the fire wall. I can't even have my damn phone on me. If you think i try to scam you for 50buck you must be out of your freaking mind. I even contact you and offer to drop off the damn sump at your place on my way down to 29 palms. You said you want the money back i told you i will send you back the 50 via paypal but I CAN'T ACCESS PAYPAL VIA GOVERNMENT COMPUTER. Anything have to do with commercial I.E ebay, recycler, and paypal obviously i can't get in.

You know my cell number, have you try to contact me? Kid, before you decided to call people names. Making sure you think before you open your mouth. I will drop by eric (Fragfarmer) on friday around 6pm Meet me there and we will get this corrected. I apologized for not to be able to send you the money on time. But calling me names i will correct that with you in person. If you want me to drop by your house even better. I don't mind, i can't fix this problem at any location. Remember for every action there is a reaction. You should have my cell number if i did get banned from here call me i will meet up with you........... This is rediculous

What are you going to do? Come over and slap him on the side of the head. :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6886652#post6886652 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mchava
hahahaha Tony you crack me up. I dont kiss any once a$$ to get good price on coral and I also dont steal from people and then use other screen names to sell the coral I stoled. As far as iam conserned your just a waste of space in the reef hobby and people know what happened. Its funny that you hear alot about me since I only speak to a few people on here, but what evers only the mods would be able to see your IP address but Iam sure ist the same one.

Spell check, grammar check and bad word filter needed. :lol:

Isn't this getting old? Now you're one someone else's thread doing the same thing?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6886236#post6886236 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mchava
that becuase there the same person. They both joined feb06 and have the same amount of post and write the same way.

I think both of you write the same way, are you the same person with two personalities? :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6886857#post6886857 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REEFER714
I am currently in 29 Palms. I have been trying to log in to my Paypal but i can't due to the fire wall. I can't even have my damn phone on me. If you think i try to scam you for 50buck you must be out of your freaking mind. I even contact you and offer to drop off the damn sump at your place on my way down to 29 palms. You said you want the money back i told you i will send you back the 50 via paypal but I CAN'T ACCESS PAYPAL VIA GOVERNMENT COMPUTER. Anything have to do with commercial I.E ebay, recycler, and paypal obviously i can't get in.

You know my cell number, have you try to contact me? Kid, before you decided to call people names. Making sure you think before you open your mouth. I will drop by eric (Fragfarmer) on friday around 6pm Meet me there and we will get this corrected. I apologized for not to be able to send you the money on time. But calling me names i will correct that with you in person. If you want me to drop by your house even better. I don't mind, i can't fix this problem at any location. Remember for every action there is a reaction. You should have my cell number if i did get banned from here call me i will meet up with you........... This is rediculous

Straight to the point, the refund wasn't returned back on time like agreed. And it's the 5th of March already. If you can log on here and check reefcentral daily, how come you can't pm me back and tell me what's going on? What happened to all the local libraries? I know you've been reading all the pms I've been sending you since the 24th of Feb. by tracking the pms. And no replies??? Wouldn't that be very deceiving and dishonest?

I do have your cell #, but why do I need to call when you're not even answering the pms? By leaving you messages you're probably going to end up not calling me back anyway just like not replying me back with pms. I know you called me a kid which is actually a compliment because as I can tell I'm more mature about this situation than you are. It sounds like you're actually threatening me which is very immature.

About the name calling, who called you names? I called you a scammer and dishonest person because I still haven't received my refund. If you call that name calling, I wonder what you would do to someone that cursed you out. Anyhow, if you'd like to take it personal then go ahead because I'm the one that still has not gotten the refund. I know it sounds like you'd like to kick my butt right now for the name calling as you said, but unfortunately I'm not that low and immature to use violence as a means to solve any issues like you are. I've pm'd you enough and now I post this up and you're angry and reply back with full force, I've given you enough to time refund me back. I even waited two weeks before I even posted this up...which means I actually gave you a chance to do the right thing.

This is my last post in this thread. I posted just to warn everyone else of your wrong doing. Not to argue with you Steve. Like I said, I've already sent enough pms. If you'd like to resolve this issue and squash it, then just paypal me back the money when you get back and let me know the exact date. Until then...we'll see.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6887438#post6887438 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by silverarrow27
Straight to the point, the refund wasn't returned back on time like agreed. And it's the 5th of March already. If you can log on here and check reefcentral daily, how come you can't pm me back and tell me what's going on? What happened to all the local libraries? I know you've been reading all the pms I've been sending you since the 24th of Feb. by tracking the pms. And no replies??? Wouldn't that be very deceiving and dishonest?

I do have your cell #, but why do I need to call when you're not even answering the pms? By leaving you messages you're probably going to end up not calling me back anyway just like not replying me back with pms. I know you called me a kid which is actually a compliment because as I can tell I'm more mature about this situation than you are. It sounds like you're actually threatening me which is very immature. About the name calling, who called you names? I called you a scammer and dishonest person because I still haven't received my refund. If you call that name calling, I wonder what you would do to someone that cursed you out. Anyhow, if you'd like to take it personal then go ahead because I'm the one that still has not gotten the refund. I know it sounds like you'd like to kick my butt right now for the name calling as you said, but unfortunately I'm not that low and immature to use violence as a means to solve any issues like you are. I've pm'd you enough and now I post this up and you're angry and reply back with full force, I've given you enough to time refund me back. I even waited two weeks before I even posted this up...which means I actually gave you a chance to do the right thing.

My god, can't you people take this somewhere else private.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6887455#post6887455 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vpham24
My god, can't you people take this somewhere else private.

I've been trying to do that for the past two weeks, how could you take it to private messages when he won't answer back?
Anyone know pro5816? Was suppose to get some cloves from him, but the same night we made arrangements, his account said Moved On so I'm sorta I gonna get punked over $40? :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6887455#post6887455 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vpham24
My god, can't you people take this somewhere else private.

Vpham24, just let it go since you can't defend him. This is the right time to let "the Truth to be told".
I truly wonder what you would all do if we simply closed this forum?

I, personally, wonder on a daily basis if the amount of moderation this place requires is worth the effort.

Thread closed.
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