beginner sps's?


Can someone give me a good source for info, or their own knowledge, concerning corals that are good beginners or that tolerate lower levels of light? I am told that digis are a good choice. I am running 2x65 watt PC's in a 54 corner, have mostly LPS, and just stated my first montipora digi. Thanks for any help.
Agreed digis are good starter SPS. You could probably keep montipora caps as well, they are pretty hardy & grow fast IME.
Many Montipora species, some Acropora sp., Pocillopora, Pavona, Porites, Seriatopora, Leptoseris, Pachyseris, and others that I cannot remember at the moment.
You could keep the digis, but with that lighting they will most likely begin to lighten after a few months and then die. They will grow during that time, but slowly starve.
Yes, it seems to be growing already and I have only had it a week. Dr. J, do you think that regular feeding can stave off starvation? Anybody have any evidence counter to what Dr. J says? In other words, is anybody keeping any sps with PC's successfully? We all know, of course that somewhere down the road I will have to upgrade the lighting. Nevertheless, now is NOT a good time for that.
I kept digis under pc's for about 6-8 months & they did just fine, but I had 3- 96w pc's over a 55 gal. As far as feeding I think Dr. J meant starving for light. (I could be wrong though) Keep them up as high as you can in your tank !
That is correct. Light starvation is the issue here. Neurotech - the two 55/65 PC's wont cut it. Even if you have them right underneath the bulbs they will slowly starve from lack of light and lighten in color. Im sure digis can be kept under PC's, but I wouldn't go with anything lower than 250watts of PC for good health.
I agree with Dr.

I wouldn't try to keep SPS under anything but halides or T-5's. Sure, the coral may live, but it won't thrive.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7266529#post7266529 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TCU Reefer
I agree with Dr.

I wouldn't try to keep SPS under anything but halides or T-5's. Sure, the coral may live, but it won't thrive.

What exactly would be your definition of thrive? I know quite a few people who get reasonable growth under pc. I have VHO and have to fragment "sps" type corals all the time to keep them from outgrowing the tank. It is simply not true that sps will not thrive under less than T-5 or halides.
yea i work at a pet shop and the guy that we get all of our sps from only uses P.C and regular flourecent tubes...
Amphiprion: What is the total watts/gallon on those tanks? No one is arguing that it can't be done, but, at Nuerotech's 2.24 watts/gallon coming from 2 65/55W PC's it's just not enough. If he had maybe 5 or 6 PC's then maybe it would work, but, not 2.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7267103#post7267103 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rutz81
Amphiprion: What is the total watts/gallon on those tanks? No one is arguing that it can't be done, but, at Nuerotech's 2.24 watts/gallon coming from 2 65/55W PC's it's just not enough. If he had maybe 5 or 6 PC's then maybe it would work, but, not 2.

Actually, it was the same configuration in many cases. The wpg rule is a bad measure of overall lighting and tends to be a poor indication of lighting needs (at least for reef tanks).
Yeah, watts per gallon makes little sense and is only a rough estimate of the available light. It does not take into account the shape of the tank or coral placement. Placement in the middle directly under the lights near the surface results in much diffierent light availability than near the bottom or edges of the tank. I am sure there are diferences in growth and coloration, but these probably exist in nature as well, where sps that are deeper are not as huge and colorful as those in shallower areas. I would imagine that there is a gradual lessening of sps as you go down the side of a reef, ot a demarcation line. What I have to see is whether my lighting as it currently stands will suffice reasonably. I will keep this thread posted on a somewhat regular basis if you want to follow the experiment.