Best brand of biopellets


2018 FMAS President
Been reading a lot about biopellets, other than making sure they are 100% PHA should I be looking for something else?

For all those that use biopellets; what brand do you use or like the best and why?
Dr Tims' Bio Pearls. ( what i am currently using. )

they are much lighter than the NPX ones i used. also make sure you get a bluefin biopellet reactor. i honestly don't trust anything else.
Dr Tims' Bio Pearls. ( what i am currently using. )

they are much lighter than the NPX ones i used. also make sure you get a bluefin biopellet reactor. i honestly don't trust anything else.

Bax- I dont do biopellets so just wondering what makes bluefin reactor special? it seems like a quality reactor but no special anything to it regarding flow.

Ive heard recirculating reactors are better for biopellets.
I'm using a small amount of TLF NPX and don't see a problem. But then again it's the only brand I've used.
I haven't used bp yet but have some Ecobak on hand when I do but I have read that Dr Tims pearls and Ecobak are good.

Not sure that Bluefin is the best but I have also read that nextreef, Avast and others are also good enough.

Start Slow!!!

Good Luck!
From my understanding and research, you can be successful with biopellets in most reactors but ideally you want a recirculating type reactor. Its basically a closed loop system which sucks in water through the recirculation plumbing and exits through the output of the reactor. The main benefit of using the recirculation type of reactor is the ability to control how the media tumbles and control the water that exits the reactor. Dont mean to get off topic.
Bax- I dont do biopellets so just wondering what makes bluefin reactor special? it seems like a quality reactor but no special anything to it regarding flow.

Ive heard recirculating reactors are better for biopellets.


I've used vertex with success. I am currently running the tlf npx and they seem to work well so far.

I have also heard good things about Warner marine. But have no personal experience.
Also make sure the effluent from the reactors output is as close a possible to the best skimmer you could get for your system. You should definitely read up through all the threads on everyone's experience and helpful tips and tricks. I have done tons of reading and still haven't hooked mine up yet.
I use Ecobak pellets with an aquamaxx reactor. Excellent products. No clumping and the pellets tumble evenly and consistently.

i have used the TLF reactor and i find no matter what screen you use the pellets don't Tumble. i switched over to the bluefin reactor i saw at MACNA this year. the way the Reactor is designed ALL the pellets tumble.

in Google Type Bluefin Aquatics and look at the reef-bu-ild-ers site

the pellets sit directly in here and they all move using very little flow. if you go high flow they go nuts. The idea to me buying a reactor hacking it up for it to work right just does not work.
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i have used the TLF reactor and i find no matter what screen you use the pellets don't Tumble. i switched over to the bluefin reactor i saw at MACNA this year. the way the Reactor is designed ALL the pellets tumble.

in Google Type Bluefin Aquatics and look at the reef-bu-ild-ers site

the pellets sit directly in here and they all move using very little flow. if you go high flow they go nuts. The idea to me buying a reactor hacking it up for it to work right just does not work.

How did you have the tlf reactor configured? In currently using one with no issues for a month. I am running a maxi jet directly to it.
How did you have the tlf reactor configured? In currently using one with no issues for a month. I am running a maxi jet directly to it.

I had an MJ1200 connected to my TLF and it seemed like it wasn't enough. I even went as far as to make a concave piece of acrylic to direct flow like the Reef Octopus reactors. Ended up with the SWC reactor and it works great but the MJ1200 still isn't enough flow. Once I get my new set up inline, I'll be able to add more flow to get it tumble better.
I use Thrive Crush biopellets and can get some good tumbling in my 2lf reactor. They are smaller and seem to tumble better. My opinion. Made from Argonite which helps with PH as well. Have worked for me.
I have bluefin. Their cone shaped bowl at the bottom allows to more tumble with less flow. I tried tlf. I like bluefin much better.

I use bluefin pellets b/c that what came with it. So...cant say how well they work compared to others
The tlf 550 has the curved bottom. The way my 150 is setup, I removed the bottom plate and just have a piece of plastic tubing run to bottom about an inch off the bottom.

Sorry for the derail Dave :)
The tlf 550 has the curved bottom. The way my 150 is setup, I removed the bottom plate and just have a piece of plastic tubing run to bottom about an inch off the bottom.

Sorry for the derail Dave :)

but you see that is what i didnt want to do.. if i spend 100$ on a reactor that is " made for bio pellets. " why does it not work correctly? for that you buy the right tool for the right job. with my bluefin reactor i can use a SUPER UNDERSIZED pump and all the pellets will still tumble. i do not need a MJ1200 for 60ml of pellets.
The tlf 550 has the curved bottom. The way my 150 is setup, I removed the bottom plate and just have a piece of plastic tubing run to bottom about an inch off the bottom.

Sorry for the derail Dave :)

Hey, np mArvin. I'm happy with my DIY reactor, just wondering if there is a"better" pellet to buy.

have you run biopellets in the past on this tank? or currently running them?

I just want to make sure, you have a very beautiful tank and Biopellets can cause havoc.