Best macros for micro control


New member
I'm looking into getting some cheatomorpha(sp) to control micro growth in my tanks. What else is a good choice?

I would like something that doesnt go sexual, and ideally somthing that anchors.

Thanks much
Hi inthemix,

Is this going in your main tank? Chaetomorpha doesn't anchor so it might get annoying having it bounce around your tank all the time. Halimedia, Penicillus, Rhipocephalus, and Codium all have rootlike structures and will stay anchored in one place. I believe these algae can "go sexual" but don't produce any toxic chemicals like Caulerpa. If you need something that grows rapidly to compete with microalgae, I think Caulerpa is going to be your best bet. If you get C. prolifera or C. racemosa and keep individual "plants" small (main rhizome less than 12" or so) I doubt you will ever experience sexual reproduction. When you trim caulerpa be sure to only cut it in one place at a time. It is basically one giant cell (a siphonous algae aka a coenocyte) and it can bleed out its vacuole from too many injuries.

caulerpa is a good weed, but that 'going sexual thing' and toxins are a concern for some (I never had a problem). Plus, once introduced you'll always have it. I have halimeda, grape caulerpa, chaeto and something else i don't yet know the name of. Chaeto can be attached using a rubberband or fishing line if necessary. It is a great hideout for bristleworms, pods, etc. Halimeda is an attractive steady grower that attaches with its roots to just about anything. These both are slow but steady growers. The caulerpa grew like wild fire until the other algaes developed larger colonies; now all are growing steady but controlled.
Thanks for the suggestions!

The algae will be going into a refugium, so a little free floating shouldnt hurt. However, it is not optimal.

By the way, where is a good place to buy a multitude of species of algae. What do you recommend the most out of your personal experience.

Thanks again
mine just appeared on my LR and grew. Some LFS carry algaes, you can buy it on ebay or from many of RC's sponsors, people sell it at frag swaps. Many, like myself, just give it away.
I have some larrge amounts of Chaetomorpha and Razor Caulerpa (IMO best Caulerpa) that I prune each month if you are interested.
Razor 'sawblade' Caulerpa

Razor 'sawblade' Caulerpa

The Razor Caulerpa is very stable, does not have a tendency to go sexual and release toxins back into the water column. It's very stable with 24/7 lighting, periodic pruning and with presence of other competing macros like Chaetomorpha.
Lights on 24/7

Lights on 24/7

The best thing about keeping the fuges lit 24/7 is the wonderful affect it has on stabalizing the PH in your system. The PH level shifts downwards as lights are turned off and this is dangerous for fish and inverts, even more so for very sensitive to PH corals like Xenia which require constant 8.6 or higher ph level. Keeping the lights on your sumps all the time stabalizes PH, keeps macro from going sexual and allows for more growth in macro.

I have had the opposite experience with Razor Caulerpa as Chris G. Twice I have had individuals go sexual on me and I no longer use it. I'm sure there are different species / "morphs" of razor caulerpa with different reproductive strategies though.

IMO the Razor Caulerpa has been exceptional for nutrient export. I have a 180 with 3 large refugiums attached and always perfect water conditions. i have never seen any reproductive problems with any of my macros for over 2 years. I suppose it's the great diversity of plants , live rock, dbs and slow water flow that keeps this system stable.
Shablin - Great article, I've been looking for it locally since reading that article...Would you be willing to ship some of that Halimedia?
Ive got some halimeda/caulerpa (grape & elongata)/chaeto to ship if any body is still interested, just PM me. -Brian