Best place to order online?


New member
Thought id throw in a thread and see what people thought. Best place online to order fish or corals if the LFS doesn't have what you want?
LiveAquaira is hands down the best. I also like World Wide Corals, and Pacific East Aquaculture. LiceAquaria has best customer service ever.
I've never ordered anything online besides live rock everything else was always local.
And the live rock was from LiveAquaira and i was very satisfied with their packaging and shipping and quality of rock. So i cant say anything about ordering fish or corals so that's why i asked.
They have a 14-day guarantee with fish and coral. They've always refunded for me with no questions. Very nice.
World wide coral has great coral but their stock is offline right now for to an online sale this weekend.
I agree with Live aquaria as well. I have also ordered from saltwater fish and though everything came in alive and well it was quite a bit smaller that anticipated.
I saw this tread post 3 hours ago and was going to respond that live aquaria is best but decided to let it play out. LA is obviously the best as far as customer policy goes but price and availability is not always the best. The only other place that I have dealt with that has simular level of service is Blue zoo. I've ordered from them 5 times and all were excellent. I had 3 DOA 2 were blue cleaner wrasse, very hard shippers and were quickly refunded with just a pic. Every order came with with a sample of the same food that they feed at the store and a drip tube for acclimation and some blue fluid that I never used. The quality of fish I received was awesome. Due to availability at LA I ordered a blond naso, sail fin and blue hippo tang. All came and we're flawless, no knicks bumps scratches tail fin problems or discoloration or any defects what so ever. I felt really lucky. My other orders for cleaners from Blue have been great also. So while I'll say LA is #1 blue zoo is next and first when it comes to availability