Premium Member
Hi Roger. Could you tell me what you think is the best way to position two of the stream 6000's in a 90 gallon tank? For right now they will both be hooked up to their own single controller (two single controllers total). I'm hoping to be able to buy one of the new multicontrollers after Christmas. Hopefully they will be available by then.
Most likely they will be positioned in the rear corners, one in each. Unless you tell me otherwise of course.
I'm looking forward to adding the second stream, the big brown truck should be dropping it off any minute now.
Here is a picture of the tank if it will help out any.
Most likely they will be positioned in the rear corners, one in each. Unless you tell me otherwise of course.
I'm looking forward to adding the second stream, the big brown truck should be dropping it off any minute now.
Here is a picture of the tank if it will help out any.